Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1513: Two sculptures

Tang Ao's eyes continued to deepen, and then he saw two statues. These two statues gave Tang Ao a very strange feeling, and Tang Ao actually felt that these two statues were alive. And when Tang Ao condensed the celestial pupil and looked at the statue, Tang Ao actually felt a strong sense of dizziness.

Tang Ao was secretly shocked. Tang Ao's Celestial Pupils have been unfavorable since he awakened the Celestial Pupils, but this time, Tang Ao unexpectedly encountered something that the Celestial Pupils could not see through. Although it is impossible to see through the mystery of these two statues, Tang Ao can still see that these two statues are a gentle middle-aged scholar and a six-winged dragon and tiger.

At this moment, the six-winged dragon bearded tiger opened its mouth wide, and it seemed that there was a roar that resounded through the sky. Tang Ao suddenly thought of the beast roar he heard when he came here before, could it be...

At this time, Tang Ao had a faint speculation in his heart, that is, would the Xanadu that Tang Ao saw before was exactly what this place was like, but after some changes have taken place, this place became what it is now? Still, even the scene seen by Tianji pupil now is illusory. Although this sounds unlikely, this time, Tang Ao had doubts about his celestial pupil.

While Tang Ao was observing the surroundings, Tang Ao suddenly found that the ground under his feet had started to crack, and then under the scarlet wasteland, bone claws stretched out, the one closest to Tang Ao Bone Claw even grabbed Tang Ao directly. This scene is horrifying, if a warrior with a slightly weaker mind, under such a situation, I am afraid it would have collapsed long ago.

Although Tang Ao wouldn't collapse, it was still very difficult for Tang Ao to face so many skeletons. At this moment, there are skeletons emerging from the ground in the entire wasteland, which means that Tang Ao will be attacked wherever he goes. If Tang Ao hadn't dealt with the accumulated vitality of the best-grade nourishing pill before, then Tang Ao would be finished at this moment.

After these skeletons got out of the ground, they immediately charged towards Tang Ao. Tang Ao swept away with his soul thoughts. Under Tang Ao's perception of soul thoughts, the skeletons all over the mountains did not exist at all, and the surrounding scenery was still the same as the beautiful mountains and rivers just now, but under Tang Ao’s celestial pupils, these skeletons were again Very clear.

While Tang Ao was stunned, a skeleton bone claw suddenly protruded from under Tang Ao's feet, and then his extremely sharp bone claw penetrated Tang Ao's calf in an instant. The intense pain made Tang Ao immediately understand that there was indeed something here that affected his soul thought, causing an error to appear under the confusion of his soul thought. At the same time, Tang Ao also confirmed that the scene seen by Tianji pupil was real, because just now, Tang Ao really felt the severe pain in his calf.

Even if it is a powerful phantom array or other means, it is fine to numb the senses of other warriors, but it is impossible to numb Tang Ao's senses. Tang Ao's Nine Dragon Emperor jade is embodied in that although the damage is severe, the image of the Nine Dragon Emperor jade body by the magic array is still very small. Therefore, it is not easy to image Tang Ao's five senses just by relying on the fantasy array.

Outside the Poisonous Miasma Canyon, more and more warriors have gathered at this moment, and these people are sitting in groups in groups, discussing secretly. If Tang Ao was here, Tang Ao would be able to find that many of the martial artists who had appeared in the alchemy meeting had appeared here. It is no exaggeration to say that the warriors who have not fallen in the melee of the alchemy platform have gathered here at this moment.

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