Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1518: Void Array

Moreover, Tang Ao had only one chance to set up the formation now. If Tang Ao failed to set up the formation this time, Tang Ao would fall into a very dangerous situation. After taking a deep breath, Tang Ao immediately turned away his soul in his body and began to condense the void formation pattern. In Tang Ao's sea of ​​knowledge, Tang Ao's majestic soul thoughts quickly gathered, and then a white light flashed, and 36 blank void patterns appeared in Tang Ao's sea of ​​knowledge.

After that, Tang Ao controlled his soul thoughts and began to portray the first void formation pattern. When Tang Ao was depicting the void formation pattern, the surrounding skeletons couldn't stop at all, still attacking Tang Ao in a fierce and undaunted manner. However, this time Tang Ao didn’t get entangled with these skeletons. Because of the void formation pattern, most of Tang Ao’s soul and vitality were drawn to depict the void formation pattern. Maintaining the fighting sacred bones and souls was all for Tang Ao. It's difficult.

At this time, if you use the Fighting Sacred Bone Life Soul to fight, the void array pattern depicted by Tang Ao is very likely to fail. The Void Array Pattern is the only solution Tang Ao can think of to solve the problem so far. If the Void Array Pattern fails to portray, Tang Ao can only hide in the chaotic six-pointed mirror space. But when he was not a last resort, Tang Ao was really unwilling to escape into the chaotic six-lighted mirror space.

Moreover, Tang Ao felt that this place was too weird, and Tang Ao felt that he had just escaped into the chaotic six-pointed mirror space, perhaps not so safe. This time Tang Ao didn't choose to head-to-head with these skeletons, but relied on his dexterity to deal with these skeletons. At this time, Tang Ao discovered that although there were a lot of these skeletons. But the action was very clumsy. Tang Ao kept shaking with these skeletons just now, so these skeletons could easily hit Tang Ao.

But now after Tang Ao wandered around, Tang Ao was able to walk freely in this group of skeletons. It's just that this is just a stopgap measure. If you don't destroy all these skeletons, Tang Ao won't want to stop. So while Tang Ao used his body techniques to evade, he also carefully portrayed the formation pattern.

Although Tang Ao hadn't set up a formation for a long time, Tang Ao's formation level had not diminished much. So it didn’t take long for Tang Ao to slap both hands, and a void formation pattern flew out of Tang Ao’s palm. After flying to a specific position in the air, Tang Ao’s handprint changed for a while, and then this void formation pattern disappeared completely. Up.

Tang Ao knew that of course this was not really disappearing, but because this void formation pattern had been hidden in the void. One Void Array Pattern is of course not enough to form a Thunder Killing Array, so after depicting a Void Array Pattern, Tang Ao immediately began to refine the second Void Array Pattern. With the experience of portraying the first void formation pattern, Tang Ao's speed in depicting the void formation pattern immediately increased.

It didn't take long for the thirty-six void formation patterns to have been half refined by Tang Ao. But after refining this half of the void pattern, Tang Ao's vitality was also completely exhausted. Although Tang Ao was able to recover his vitality and soul thought very fast, depicting the void formation pattern was a very consuming soul and vitality task.

Therefore, after depicting so many void formation patterns, Rao Tang Ao is also a little weakened. Tang Ao didn't hesitate too much when he found that the vitality in his body was getting less and less. Tang Ao took out a small jade bottle from the storage ring. At this moment, there were two golden pills lying quietly in the small jade bottle. Seeing these two golden pills, Tang Ao also breathed a sigh of relief, because these two pills were the ultimate nourishing pills that Tang Ao refined on the alchemy platform.

With these two pills, Tang Ao became more confident. Without hesitating too much, Tang Ao unexpectedly swallowed one of the best nourishing pill again. Of course Tang Ao has not forgotten the price of swallowing the best Yangyuan Pill before, but now he has to send the arrow on the string. If he does not take the best Yangyuan Pill, Tang Ao will continue to depict the void formation pattern, it is these clumsy skeletons that Tang Ao can handle. No more.

Unsurprisingly, after Tang Ao took the superb Yangyuan Pill, Tang Ao's dantian immediately sent a fierce burning sensation, and then Tang Ao felt his limbs and corpses were boiling.

"Roar!" Feeling the vigorous vitality inside, Tang Ao couldn't help but roar up to the sky. Then Tang Ao guided all these vitality to the Fighting Sacred Bone Fate Soul, and once again fought with the skeleton. On the other side, Tang Ao's soul in Tang Ao's Sea of ​​Knowledge was also carefully outlined on the Void Array Pattern. With the vitality supplemented by the Yang Yuan Pill, it was obviously not a problem to depict the vitality of the Void Array Pattern.

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