Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1544: Entangled

"Shit!" Tang Ao raised his right hand to point out with a sword, and immediately a green lotus sword aura sprayed towards Tang Ao's fingertips and penetrated a black mist monster like Tang Ao's pounce. Through the celestial pupil Tang Ao, he discovered that there was a spar in the head of this black mist monster, and only after the spar was crushed, could the black mist monster be killed. And what surprised Tang Ao the most was that this type of spar was the original crystal.

It's just that these element crystals were intact when they were in the black mist monster's head, but as soon as the black mist monster's life ended, the element crystals shattered immediately. Tang Ao just saw that Blood Moon Red shredded a black fog monster with his bare hands. It stands to reason that a black fog monster killed like this would not be able to destroy Yuanjing, but after Tang Ao saw the death of this black fog monster, his head The Yuanjing inside also shattered instantly. Although it was broken, Xueyuehong collected the Yuanjing fragments without any hesitation. Obviously, many people already knew that this kind of Yuanjing fragments were good things at this time.

The warriors who came later did not expect that the Yuanjing fragments actually fell out of this monster's head. Before, everyone ventured to search for the element crystals that could not be obtained for a long time in the poisonous miasma, but here they can be obtained by killing the black mist monsters. Such a good thing, how could these warriors miss it. It's just that in the Scarlet Wasteland at this moment, besides the Black Mist Monster, there are numerous skeletons.

After slaying the Black Mist Monster, you can get the Primordial Crystal, but you have nothing to kill the skeleton. At the beginning, some warriors collected some bone meal, but later, although the skeletons collected more and more bone meal, these warriors had no interest in collecting. Up to now, most warriors are unwilling to fight with skeletons, but specifically look for black mist monsters to plunder Yuanjing.

It's just that no matter whether it is the black fog monster or these skeletons, as long as they are not of their kind, they will all be attacked. Therefore, the scene at this moment was really an abnormal chaos. In this chaos, Tang Ao suddenly felt that something rushed towards him obliquely behind. Tang Ao looked back and saw Yang Miao who was constantly approaching him.

After seeing himself, Yang Miao seemed very excited, and he completely ignored the black mist monsters around him that could be the original crystal, but kept pursuing him. If Tang Ao were still at the fifth level of Body Forging Realm, Tang Ao could only run away now, but Tang Ao is now an eighth level of Body Forging Realm, although Yang Miao on the first level of Yuan Wu Realm is still there. There was a gap, but now Tang Ao was really not afraid of Yang Miao. Although Tang Ao and Yang Miao had a lot of black fog monsters and skeletons to stop them before, Yang Miao still pushed forward extremely aggressively along the way.

The skeletons, black mist monsters, and even other warriors who stood in front of Yang Miao were all blasted by Yang Miao's domineering. At this time, Tang Ao also saw that although the Blood Remnant and Yang Miao were the same masters on the Qianlong list, the Blood Remnant was really inferior to Yang Miao. Of course, this might also be caused by bloodstains, but the Yang Miao rushing towards Tang Ao, Tang Ao really didn't dare to underestimate it.

It didn't take long before Yang Miao was in front of Tang Ao. Without any nonsense, Yang Miao patted Tang Ao's dantian with a palm, apparently trying to take Tang Ao away after severely injuring Tang Ao. Seeing Yang Miao's attack like this, Tang Ao secretly shook his head. This Yang Miao looked down on himself too much, and he wanted to hurt himself like this.

People who despise their opponents always pay a price, so when Yang Miao slapped him, Tang Ao's body flashed with golden light, fighting the Saint Bone's life and soul instantly protected his body, and Yang Miao's palm also slammed into Tang Ao's fight. Battle Saint Bone Life Soul. Tang Ao couldn't move at all after being slapped by Yang Miao. Instead, he took the opportunity to punch out and staggered Yang Miao.

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