Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1551: Secret

Han Yan embraced her chest with her hands and stood aside looking at Tang Ao with a smile, not knowing what she was thinking. Although Tang Ao knew that Han Yan came over this time, he would probably attack him, but at the moment Han Yan took the initiative to speak to him, Tang Ao could only say with luck, "Fairy Han Yan, if you need any medicine Tang Ao did not shirk when he helped refining it. It's just that now, please don't interfere with the fairy."

Although Tang Ao and Yang Miao were at a stalemate at this moment, unlike Yang Miao, Tang Ao still had the means to deal with Yang Miao. Just now when Tang Ao was preparing to deal with the endless skeletons, he set up a Thunder Killing Array. At this moment, the thirty-six sets of Void Array Patterns that Thunder Killing Array needs, Tang Ao has already condensed 28 pattern marks. Only after a while, Tang Ao will be able to condense the last eight remaining marks. By that time, Tang Ao will definitely give Yang Miao no chance to regret it.

But the arrival of Han Yan made Tang Ao a big surprise. Now that he and Yang Miao are fighting together, Han Yan is obviously the biggest beneficiary. Because among the many warriors present, no warrior is qualified to compete with her for Yuanjing. So as long as it was Yuan Jing she liked, it was basically hers, so Tang Ao really couldn't understand why Han Yan came to intervene at this time.

Although Tang Ao had thought about it, after he had set up his Thunder Killing Array, he would teach this great beauty after he solved Yang Miao. But now it seems that most of Tang Ao has no chance to teach Han Yan. When Han Yan heard Tang Ao's words, she giggled again: "The little girl really has a kind of pill that I need to help me refine. Alchemist Tang Ao is really willing to help me refine this pill?"

After years of investigation by Han Yan, Han Yan knew that the secret that Yang Miao was desperately trying to keep was a very special pill, but Han Yan didn’t know what this pill was, but only vaguely knew some of this pill. The role of medicine. So even if he helped Yang Miao contain Tang Ao this time, Han Yan must see Dan Fang first, otherwise Yang Miao wouldn't have to think about it.

And Han Yan believed that as long as Yang Miao wasn't stupid enough, he should know that at this time, his Danfang could no longer hold. In fact, when Yang Miao asked Han Yan to help, Yang Miao had already expected this situation. And because Han Yan knew some secrets in the ruins, Yang Miao chose to join forces with Han Yan.

Therefore, Yang Miao pondered for a moment, and before Han Yan could speak, he threw a golden scroll at Han Yan. This golden scroll is very simple and vicissitudes. After feeling the breath of this golden scroll, Han Yan knew that this golden scroll was absolutely real. Because when she entered the ruins after Yang Miao, she also got something in the ruins.

After confirming that the scroll was true and correct, Han Yan began to check it out. Sweeping her soul through the scroll, Han Yan discovered that the secret Yang Miao desperately wanted to keep was a kind of pill. And this kind of pill is very rare, Han Yan has never heard of this kind of pill called Duerdan. After that, Han Yan began to check the effects of Du'erdan. After carefully reading the contents of the scroll, Han Yan was shocked and speechless for a long time. If the records on the scroll are all true, then Yang Miao desperately kept the secret at the beginning, it really is not at all reasonable.

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