Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1563: Three Blood Lotus

If Tang Ao was in the peak state at this moment, Tang Ao could easily **** the Three Blood Lotus before going up. Because at the moment the leaders of these three groups are fighting together, all three of them are martial artists of the Yuan Wu state, but apart from the three of them, there are no Yuan Wu martial artists on the field. With Tang Ao's current cultivation base, only the martial artist of Yuan Wu realm can threaten Tang Ao, as for the warrior of Body Forging Realm, there is really no threat to Tang Ao now.

It's just that the blood essence that Tang Ao previously consumed has not been completely recovered, so Tang Ao is a little weak, so Tang Ao didn't rush to take it. Tang Ao has the celestial pupil, so Tang Ao had long known that the treasure not far away was the Three Treasure Blood Lotus, but after the bloodstain was restricted in his mind, he didn't even know what was emitting this strong blood in front of him.

Even so, the bloodstain was still very excited. Because the breath from this unknown treasure made him feel a pure blood essence. Something that exudes this kind of breath is definitely a treasure among treasures to bloodstains. When I took a closer look at the bleeding marks, I saw a smooth dark red spar with a blood-colored lotus flower blooming like a red crystal. I didn't recognize what it was because of the bloodstain.

"What kind of baby is this? I didn't expect this place to have such a thing." Although it hasn't been long since the rebirth, the bloodstained eyesight of the previous life is still there. Therefore, the bloodstain immediately knew that this was a low-level plane with only vitality. Similarly, the bloodstain can also estimate that if it is only for cultivating this kind of vitality, the first level of the Yuan Martial Realm is the limit of this place.

Because of this, Bloodstain is not particularly interested in this place, because there can be no good things in this low-level plane, they are all garbage things. But Bloodstain didn't expect to be beaten so soon. Although Bloodstain didn't know what kind of treasure it was, the bloodstain judged from the strong blood on the Three Treasure Blood Lotus that the grade of this blood lotus might not be under the third grade fairy grass. Especially for martial artists like him who practice blood system, this kind of blood lotus is even more precious.

"This is the legendary Three-Treasure Blood Lotus. You guy’s luck is really good. You can also encounter this kind of treasure here. Although the Three-Treasure Blood Lotus is a gradeless spiritual grass, its true grade must be at least Around the third grade fairy grass. This three-treasure blood lotus has grown nine petals and has nine lotus seeds. As long as it is refined into a three-treasure blood lotus pill, you may be able to quickly recover to the nine-level star realm. Peak, and will surpass the limits of your previous life."

Talking about this, Tang Ao paused and then continued: "In addition to the nine lotus seeds that can refine the Three Blood Lotus Pill, this Three Blood Lotus can also be supplemented with your soul blood to make a magic weapon of life." These things Tang Ao was seen in Herborist and Emperor Shennong’s alchemy notes, but in Shennong’s alchemy notes, it only mentioned that the lotus seeds of the Three Treasure Blood Lotus could be used for alchemy, but did not say that the Three Treasure Blood Lotus could be used for refining.

If it weren't for Herborist, even if the bloodstain got the Three Treasure Blood Lotus, it would still have no effect after using the lotus seeds. At this time, Tang Ao also sighed the strength of Herborist. Although Herborist was named Herborist, it was basically recorded as long as it was Lingcao. So far, there have been many spirit grasses that Tang Ao has encountered that Tang Ao doesn't know, but Tang Ao hasn't encountered any of the ones that Tang Ao didn't know on the Herborist.

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