Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1584: Only one seedling

After realizing that the purple snail mosquito had changed into this appearance because it had absorbed the juice of the sorrel, Tang Ao had an idea in his mind. Tang Ao immediately took out two jars of spirit wine from the storage ring, his vitality was shocked, the two jars of wine instantly shattered, and the sky full of wine drifted away. It was just completely different from what Tang Ao had imagined, the purple snail mosquito had no interest in this spirit wine at all.

Tang Ao was a little speechless. Could it be that the drunk purple snail mosquito was only a drunkard in the purple snail mosquito group, and the purple snail mosquito was not interested in spirit wine at all? Thinking of this, Tang Ao looked at the swaying purple snail mosquito beside him. It was just because of this guy that Tang Ao figured out that the purple snail mosquito likes to drink.

But to Tang Ao's surprise, when the purple snail mosquito faced the scattered drinks, it actually avoided with a bit of disgust. The other purple snail mosquitoes didn't make any movements, letting the sky spill over them. Although Tang Ao looked a little puzzled, Tang Ao also had new ideas. That is, it is possible that the purple snail mosquito only hopes the spirit wine extracted from the sorrel, a kind of spirit grass.

Thinking of this, Tang Ao immediately turned the celestial pupil to look around. Actually, the purple snail mosquito is still in a drunken state, which means that there must be drunk sorrel nearby. If it is an ordinary warrior, even if you know that there is drunk sorrel nearby, it is not so easy to know the location of drunk sorrel with limited spirit.

But Tang Ao, who had the celestial pupil, was different. After the celestial pupil was deployed, everything around him became very clear in Tang Ao's eyes. It didn't take long for Tang Ao to discover that there was really drunk sorrel nearby. What made Tang Ao dumbfounded was that there was a drunken sorrel at a distance of one kilometer behind him, but there was only a single seedling!

And Tang Ao was sure that the drunk purple snail mosquito had sucked the juice of this drunk sorrel, because at this moment the drunk sorrel was about to wither. After hesitating for a moment, Tang Ao flew in the direction of this drunk sorrel. Since there is a drunk sorrel here, it means that there must be other drunk sorrel clusters nearby. Otherwise, where did this drunk sorrel come from?

With such thoughts, Tang Ao immediately flew over to the drunk sorrel, and at the same time, Tang Ao also rotated the celestial pupil to check around. This purple snail mosquito is extremely powerful, and the life and soul of the martial artist is even more restrained by it. Normally, the life soul of a warrior is already the strongest method of this warrior. After the life soul is restrained, the warrior's combat power will be greatly reduced.

When Tang Ao took the group of purple snail mosquitoes to the direction of this drunk sorrel, the moment he passed the drunk sorrel, Tang Ao saw that several purple snails were attracted to the drunk sorrel by the breath of the sorrel. The grass flew over, and immediately sucked at the drunk sorrel. It was just a little withered drunk sorrel just now, now it is dead.

Tang Ao looked at it secretly, but Tang Ao was also a little happy, because now Tang Ao was sure that the purple snail mosquito really liked the juice of drunk sorrel. What made Tang Ao helpless was that even with the celestial pupil, it was not easy to find drunk sorrel around here. Tang Ao found a lot of spirit grasses around here, including some rare ones.

But what made Tang Ao very speechless was that he couldn't find drunk sorrel around here. Could it be that the drunken sorrel here has been sucked by the purple snail mosquitoes to extinction? Thinking of the purple snail mosquito's love for drunk sorrel just now, and the terrifying number of purple snail mosquitoes, Tang Ao felt that his worries were really not unreasonable.

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