Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1599: Number one thousand five hundred and ninety nine zero

Hu Tiandao is naturally very jealous of such a speed when only using the body method. But the fear goes back to the fear, since it doesn't match the personality of Hu Tiandao without trying the other's depth. Right now, Hu Tiandao screamed, and the thick-backed long sword in his hand was tens of thousands of kilograms strong and slashed towards Tang Ao. It was completely different from the dexterity and weirdness of Bloodstain, this Hu Tiandao's attack was completely open and close, and a strong wind swept the fallen leaves.

Under Hu Tiandao's offensive, Tang Ao really floated like a leaf in the wind. It's just that the fallen leaves do not flutter in the wind, but flutter randomly. In an instant, Hu Tiandao had already cut thirty knives. Each of these thirty knives has the spirit of smashing Huashan powerfully, but if it is randomly cut, it will be hit hard. Only after Hu Tiandao slashed thirty knives in succession, he still didn't even touch the corner of Tang Ao's clothes.

When Hu Tiandao fought Black Gold before, after 30 knives, Black Gold was completely suppressed. But when he was fighting Tang Ao now, he didn't even touch Tang Ao after thirty knives. In this contrast, Hu Tiandao already had a certain understanding of Tang Ao's strength. If Tang Ao wasn't too strong in her body skills, it meant that Tang Ao's strength was far above him.

Seeing Tang Ao’s realization in such a shocking manner, Xia Caiyun wondered if she had admitted the wrong person. You must know that Tang Ao was only a weak warrior on the fifth floor of the body forging at the alchemy conference, although his alchemy has convinced many people. But in the world of warriors respected by the strong, Tang Ao's cultivation base was still too low. Therefore, it was only after Tang Ao refined the nine-star superb Yangyuan Pill that it caused confusion in the alchemy platform.

Otherwise, if Tang Ao's cultivation was the same level as Lin Ruchang and others, at the first level of Yuan Wu realm, then even if someone had an idea about Tang Ao, he would definitely not do it on the alchemy platform. But now just a few days later, Tang Ao's cultivation level has actually become so terrifying. From the vitality fluctuation Xia Caiyun around Tang Ao, it can be seen that Tang Ao should only have the cultivation level of the middle stage of the ninth level of the body forging realm.

But what Xia Caiyun couldn't think of was how Tang Ao could fight Hu Tiandao to such an extent with only the cultivation base of the ninth level of Body Forging Realm. You must know that Xia Caiyun completely witnessed the confrontation between Hu Tiandao and Heijin before, so Xia Caiyun knew that in the battle between Heijin and Hu Tiandao, after Hu Tiandao had attacked 30 knives, Heijin was completely at a disadvantage. In the end, if it weren't for Zhang Zifan's rescue, Hei Jin would have died in the hands of Hu Tiandao.

It was also because of this. Now after Tang Ao and Hu Tiandao played thirty moves against each other, Tang Ao still hadn't lost the wind at all, which shocked Xia Caiyun. Even Xia Caiyun felt that if she now tells Hu Tiandao that Tang Ao was a fifth-layer warrior in the Body Forging Realm a few days ago, Xia Caiyun feels that Hu Tiandao must lose and she is a lunatic.

But the truth is so cruel. After attacking thirty knives one after another without achieving the desired effect, Hu Tiandao also angered. "Boy, don't you just dodge, you have the courage to fight me head-on, don't rectify these falsehoods." At first, Hu Tiandao was very jealous of Tang Ao, but after this meeting Tang Ao was still dodge, Hu Tiandao had another thought in his mind.

That was Tang Ao's identity, but his strength was average. Therefore, Tang Ao wanted to relied on his subtle body skills to scare him away, and Tang Ao himself did not have the power to fight him. Thinking of this, Hu Tiandao felt quite reasonable. Therefore, Hu Tiandao, who just stopped to take a breath, killed Tang Ao again, and the thick-backed sword in his hand was almost three points faster, obviously trying to force Tang Ao to take a shot.

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