Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1618: Tang Ao's value

And the appearance of the Poisonous Miasma Canyon this time meant that the Meteor Continent was about to change. The original overlord is very likely to be replaced by new forces. Originally, in the entire Feixing Continent, only the eight overlord-level forces and a handful of top-level forces have this Yuan Martial Realm martial artist. The largest chamber of commerce in the Feixing Continent like the Nine Color Deer Chamber of Commerce does not have any warriors in the Yuan Wu state. But now, because of the emergence of Yuanjing, there are no less than twenty Yuanwu realm warriors just around here.

Moreover, none of these Yuanwu realm warriors came from the eight overlord-level forces, and they were all the leaders of some casual warriors and small forces. But there is no doubt that these people value Tang Ao at this moment. Due to the particularity of the Yuanjing, the effect of using the Yuanjing after the martial artist has cultivated to the 9th level of the Body Forging Realm is the best, but a person is not born with the 9th Floor of the Body Forging Realm.

Everyone needs to slowly cultivate from an ordinary person at the beginning to the ninth level of the Yuan Wu realm, and the importance of the alchemist is self-evident in the process from ordinary people to the nine-level martial artist of the body forging realm. Because what is needed at this stage is a variety of top-grade nourishing essence pills and even the best-quality nourishing essence pills, Tang Ao previously refined the nine-star ultimate nourishing essence pills at the alchemy meeting.

In terms of refining the Yangyuan Pill, there is no longer a warrior stronger than Tang Ao in the Feixing Continent. Moreover, the pill that Tang Ao could refine was obviously not only the best-grade Yangyuan Pill, because before refining the best-grade Yangyuan Pill, Tang Ao had already refined the Chongyang Pill, which was the most difficult to refine among the nine-star pill.

It is also because of this. Now, in the eyes of these small forces, Tang Ao was an opportunity for the rise of his family sect. It can be said that at this time, as long as one power controls a top alchemist like Tang Ao, then this power is very likely to be like Lujia Manor in the future.

Lujia Manor sounds like a very ordinary name, but in Feixing Continent, this name is definitely not ordinary. Even the other seven forces, which are the same eight overlord-level forces, cannot ignore the attitude of Lujia Manor when they act. On the surface, the other seven forces are of the same level as Lujia Manor. But only the heads of the remaining seven forces knew that not only did these seven forces not have the same strength as Lujia Manor, they had to unite with each other to restrict the development of Lujia Manor.

This is why at this moment the Heavenly Dragon Army of Lujia Manor has been stationed in the Poisonous Miasma Canyon, but none of the other forces has such a group of elite warriors. It was also because of this that these people immediately gave up on plundering Yuan Jing and Soul Crystal after receiving Tang Ao's news, but rushed over immediately.

Although Yuan Jing and Soul Crystal are rare, they are obviously endless in a short period of time in their current form. And even if it is snatched away, if it is not digested immediately, it is just like a pile of costly stones that will set fire to the body at any time. But Tang Ao was different. In Feixing Continent, there were not many alchemists.

Because of the Yangyuan Pill, almost all martial artists will try to learn alchemy when they begin to practice, to see if they have the talent for alchemy. Therefore, compared to other continents, there are really many alchemists in the Feixing continent. However, among so many alchemists, the alchemy level of these alchemists varies from good to bad. The appearance of Lin Ruchang before made the alchemy league rise from the status and nameless overnight.

But no one dared to fight Lin Ruchang's idea, because Lin Ruchang's master was Hua Yuan, and Hua Yuan was a figure who was able to fight Lu Chuanjia undefeated for three hundred rounds. Therefore, even if many forces have ideas about Lin Ruchang, they dare not act blatantly on Lin Ruchang. And Lin Ruchang naturally knew that he was the fat in the eyes of the major forces, and he rarely appeared outside the Dan League.

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