Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1634: God Pill

After the martial artist cultivates, the vitality penetrates the meridians of the body, the qi and blood are full, and the internal organs are extremely healthy under the warmth of the vitality all year round, so the martial artist is not easy to age and is extremely beautiful. Therefore, as long as it is a cultivating woman, there are not many long crooked melons. Since Tang Ao practiced, he had seen countless beauties.

But at this moment when Tang Ao saw Fairy Yunluan, he still had a special feeling. It seemed as if Fairy Yunluan had a special charm on her body that made people's eyes impossible to remove. People want to kiss Fangze, but dare not blaspheme. When Tang Ao looked at Fairy Yunluan, Fairy Yunluan also winked playfully with Tang Ao. Even though his face was covered by the veil, Tang Ao could still feel that under the veil, there must be a face of trouble.

After hearing Tang Ao ask what kind of pill he was refining, Fairy Yunluan hesitated, because the pill she was going to refine was so special, even Lin, who was known as the number one alchemist in the Feixing Continent. Ruchang has never heard of this kind of medicine. And in the past, all the alchemists who were invited to the Yunluan Palace to refine alchemy, except for Lin Ruchang, who was barely able to extract some essence of a spirit grass, the other alchemists could not even refine the spirit grass, let alone refine the alchemy.

"This kind of pill is called Shenpo Pill. I wonder if Alchemy Master Tang Ao has heard of it?" Fairy Yunluan paid attention to Tang Ao's expression while speaking, as if she wanted to know something through Tang Ao's expression.

"What? Divine Soul Pill?" Tang Ao changed his relaxed expression before, but revealed a puzzled expression. This was of course not because Tang Ao didn't know what a Shenpo Pill was, on the contrary, it was because Tang Ao knew the Shenpo Pill that Tang Ao was so surprised. Because Shenpo Pill is not an ordinary pill, but a first-grade elixir that exceeds the category of spirit pill.

It was precisely because Tang Ao knew that Shenpo Pill was a first-grade elixir, so Tang Ao was so surprised at this moment. Tang Ao couldn't think of why Fairy Yunluan would know the elixir of Shenpui Pill. In addition, Tang Ao also knew the function of the Shenpo Pill, which was to cultivate the remnant soul. After some warriors fell, they would use secret methods to keep their remnant souls.

At this time, as long as the body of the warrior is preserved, and a divine soul pill is obtained, the remnant soul of the warrior can gradually fill up, thus resurrecting the fallen warrior. That's why Tang Ao was so surprised when he learned that the pill that Fairy Yunluan was going to refine was Shenpo Pill. However, Tang Ao was not sure whether the Shenpo Pill he knew was the same kind of medicine as the Shenpo Pill that Fairy Yunluan said.

Fairy Yunluan was a little disappointed after seeing the somewhat puzzled look on Tang Ao's face. Because the look on Tang Ao's face at the moment is the same as Lin Ruchang a year ago. A year ago, Lin Ruchang continuously refined the nine-fire six-star superb Yangyuan Pill, which shocked the entire Feixing Continent, and Lin Ruchang was also known as the number one alchemist in Feixing Continent.

After knowing that Lin Ruchang was good at alchemy, Fairy Yunluan personally visited Lin Ruchang and asked Lin Ruchang to help refine a furnace of Shenpo Dan. But at that time, Lin Ruchang learned that the pill to be refined was Shenpo Pill Queen, and he also showed such a puzzled look as Fairy Tang Ao. Because Lin Ruchang had never heard of this kind of pill, after Lin Ruchang went to Yunluan Palace to refine the pill, he was only slightly better than the previous alchemists. There were 72 kinds of spiritual herbs in the refinement of Shenpo Pill. Lin Ruchang extracted a part of one of the spirit grasses.

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