Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1671: I'm your sister

In Tang Ao's mind, if his cultivation was restored to the ninth-layer peak of the Star Pole Realm, the entire Feixing Continent would be wiped out with a single punch. It's just that Tang Ao didn't know that when the Master of Chaotic Heaven Realm wanted to blast away the Feixing Continent, he was hit hard by the backlash, otherwise Tang Ao would not dare to say so. But Shi Chuyun was not here, so Shi Chuyun would naturally not come to demolish Tang Ao's station.

Like Luo Caiyi, Luo Yunshang is also very quiet. At this moment, Luo Yunshang was very envious of Luo Caiyi. She and Luo Caiyi had the same looks, but they had completely different experiences. The happy love Luo Caiyi harvested, even if she disappeared, Tang Ao still loved her deeply. And because of the great changes in her family, Lin Shaofeng did so much to the Luo family. She didn't expect it to be rewarded, so she could only agree with her.

"Sister Yunshang, there are two more things you can say." Tang Ao just promised Luo Yunshang three requests, and now he has only done one thing, so Luo Yunshang can make two more requests. Tang Ao would try his best to help her as long as she was within Tang Ao's ability. And with Tang Ao's current methods, whether it was Luo Yunshang who wanted gong law books, martial arts secrets, spiritual weapon pills, etc. Tang Ao was still able to satisfy her, but Luo Yunshang didn't seem to have any thoughts in this regard.

"Brother Tang Ao, can I be your sister?" Luo Yunshang hesitated for a moment, and immediately looked at Tang Ao very expectantly. Because Tang Ao had Luo Caiyi, she and Lin Shaofeng had another engagement. Therefore, it is impossible for her to form a partner with Tang Ao, so she can only retreat and become Tang Ao's sister.

Luo Yunshang’s thoughts made Tang Ao stunned. If Luo Yunshang tells him what treasure he wants, Tang Ao may not be so surprised, but now Luo Yunshang says to be his own sister, which makes Tang Ao. Some were caught off guard. However, Tang Ao nodded without thinking about how long. Tang Ao said before that as long as things are within the scope of his ability, he can agree to Luo Yunshang, and now Luo Yunshang’s request is obviously Within the scope of his ability, so naturally he will not break his promise.

Seeing Tang Ao nodding, Luo Yunshang looked very happy. "Then I will call you Brother Tang Ao from now on." Luo Yunshang looked at Tang Ao with big beautiful eyes when he spoke. Luo Yunshang not only looks like his appearance, but also looks like Luo Caiyi in his behavior and personality. If it weren't for the wrong time, Tang Ao even wondered if Luo Yunshang was reincarnated after some accident in Luo Caiyi.

While Tang Ao and Luo Yunchang were sitting by the lake and talking, Lin Shaofeng looked at them with a gloomy expression in the distance. "This bitch, I'm going to kill her!" When Lin Shaofeng spoke, he took out the long sword in his hand with a sigh. But before he took any action, Lin Hucheng suppressed his sword.

Lin Hucheng touched his beard and said, "You did the Luo family's affairs by yourself. Did you forget?" Lin Hucheng calmly said to Lin Shaofeng while touching his beard. That’s right, the Lin Family was in a period of rapid development, during which many forces around it were annexed by the Lin Family by various means. Among these forces that were annexed by the Lin Family, included the Luo Family where Luo Yunshang was located.

Originally, the Luo family was going to be completely annihilated, but when Lin Shaofeng saw Luo Yunshang, he was moved by Luo Yunshang's beauty. So Lin Shaofeng directed and acted a heroic rescue of the United States. Just because Lin Shaofeng did a good job at the beginning, there are no flaws. Until now, Luo Yunshang didn't know that the one who killed her whole family was the one she was about to entrust to life.

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