Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1686: Encounter bottleneck

Tang Ao handed several extremely complicated pill shots, and then Tang Ao's black rock pill furnace was slowly opened. With Tang Ao's thoughts, three crystal clear and round pill flew out of the pill furnace. With a wave of Tang Ao's hand, these three pills fell into the jade bottle in Tang Ao's hand. Like Lu Yu, Tang Ao's superb Yangyuan Pill was also three full pill.

It was just that Tang Ao took longer than Lu Yu. If the grade of the pill that Tang Ao refined was equal to that of Lu Yu, then Tang Ao would lose this round. After Tang Ao put the jade bottle on the elixirs, the nine spar pillars of the elixirs were also instantly lit. At this moment, the eyes of the three Tang Ao were all looking at the ninth spar pillar. Tang Ao is now known as the number one alchemist in the Feixing Continent.

Therefore, even Lu Yu did not think that the pill that Tang Ao refined would be much worse than himself. Sure enough, under the gaze of the three of them, the nine small squares of the ninth spar pillar were slowly lit up, and in Lu Yu's gloomy expression, the seventh small square of the ninth spar pillar finally lit up. . This showed that Tang Ao's best-quality nourishing pill had reached the level of nine stars and seven levels. This level of pill can already completely ignore erysipelas.

And after Tang Ao refined the nine-star seven-level best Yangyuan Pill, Lu Yu naturally lost in the first round of the competition. Fortunately, this competition was a two-win-of-three system, and Lu Yu still had a chance. And the reason why Lu Yu lost in the first round was because Lu Yu took it lightly. When refining the pill, Lu Yu did not go all out. Although Lu Yu did not despise Tang Ao, Lu Yu still didn't think that the pill that Tang Ao refined could stand against the sky.

Facts proved that the pill that Tang Ao refined was still within acceptable limits, but because of her carelessness, the first match was unfortunately lost to Tang Ao. Tang Ao was shocked when he saw that the best-quality Yangyuan Pill he refined could only reach the seventh level of the Nine Stars. Unlike Lu Yu, Tang Ao went all out in refining this superb Yangyuan Pill.

But even so, the pill that Tang Ao refined still did not reach the level of nine-star and nine-level, which made Tang Ao very puzzled. Because Tang Ao thought for a long time, Tang Ao still didn't realize that there was any problem in his alchemy process. In other words, the nine-star seven-level pill is already Tang Ao's limit. With Tang Ao's knowledge of pill, Tang Ao has no way to refine a higher-level pill.

This made Tang Ao feel a little anxious. Tang Ao never feared when he encountered a problem, but what made Tang Ao feel powerless was that this time he didn't understand where the problem was. Tang Ao used the celestial pupil to explore this pill-inspection stone before. Tang Ao knew that there was nothing wrong with this pill-inspection stone. If that was the case, the problem must still be on his body.

It’s just that Tang Ao really couldn’t figure out how he could improve his alchemy process. Whether it was the purity of the spirit herb extraction or the timing of the medicinal solution fusion, Tang Ao achieved the ultimate, but even so, this furnace made by Tang Ao is the best nourishment Yuan Dan still only reached the level of nine stars and seven levels.

"Brother Tang Ao, you have won the first round, but the next two rounds of competitions, I must be serious." If Lu Yu was also serious in the first round of competitions just now, the pill that Lu Yu refined would really not be good. Would be worse than Tang Ao. Lu Yu doesn't make many refinements of the best-grade Yangyuan Pill, because the spirit grass of the best-grade Yangyuan Pill is indeed very rare, even for alchemists like Lu Yu, it is not so easy to obtain.

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