Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1709: Sword spirit

Two-thirds of the hundred breath time passed quickly. Although the aura on the forest wolf was still extremely strong, Tang Ao knew that the forest wolf was now at the end of the battle. Tang Ao also admitted that after performing this secret trick, Lin Wolf's strength has indeed greatly improved. After the Timberwolves performed the secret, Tang Ao has been hitting. But the Timberwolf's secret technique obviously did not achieve an overwhelming advantage, and with the rapid consumption of vitality in the body, the advantage of the Timberwolves just now has disappeared.

"Go!" Tang Ao pointed forward with the sword in his hand, and the seven green lotus sword behind Tang Ao suddenly trembled and turned into seven cyan streamers to stab towards the forest wolf. For a time, the sword energy is 30,000 li, and the sword shines on 19 continents. In the face of Tang Ao's sword aura that roared from the sky, Lin Lang also recalled the Heavenly Wolf Stinging Soul, and resolved them one by one.

Immediately, the sword spirit of Qinglian Sword Soul collided with Lin Wolf's Sirius Sting, sparking a string of sparks in the air. However, exactly as Tang Ao imagined, Feng Lin Volcano's secret technique consumes too much vitality, and by this time, the vitality in Lin Wolf's body is really low. Finally, after the Timberwolves backhanded a backhand to dissolve the Qinglian sword energy that had been stabbed away diagonally, Tang Ao also instantly seized the opportunity. Immediately Tang Ao came to the Timberwolves and was shocked by the Timberwolves. In Tang Ao's eyes, the golden fighting sacred soul of Tang Ao instantly summoned.

Without waiting for the Timberwolf's reaction, Tang Ao's forceful punch hit the Timberwolf's abdomen. Tang Ao's punch is not weak, even some monster beasts on the first level of Yuan Wu realm will be killed on the spot if they are hit by Tang Ao's punch. But at this time, the strength of the wood wolf refining martial artist was once again manifested. Under Tang Ao's punch, the wood wolf was only blasted into the pile of rubble aside.

Under Tang Ao's soul perception, although the Timberwolf's breath was weaker at this moment, Tang Ao knew that this was not because he had injured the Timberwolf, but because of the weakness caused by the Secret Art of the Timberwolf. "Boom!" After a loud explosion, the forest wolf jumped out of the rubble. Looking at his abdomen, Lin Lang said quietly: "You are very strong, and you are also the strongest among all the nine-layer martial artists I have seen. Even Lu Xingjin may not be your opponent."

Lin Lang didn't say a lot. He was not a person who likes to talk. The reason for saying this to Tang Ao was not to compliment Tang Ao, but merely to recognize Tang Ao's strength. In the world of martial arts, the strong is respected. The stronger the strength, the more respected. The reason why Tang Ao competed with the Timberwolves was of course not for the respect of the Timberwolves who won. Tang Ao just wanted to understand the difference between the martial artists.

After fighting the forest wolf for a while, Tang Ao discovered that compared with ordinary martial artists' reliance on life and soul, body-refining martial artists used various martial arts in combination with their powerful physical bodies. In the battle with the Lin Wolf, Tang Ao only saw that the Lin Wolf used the special life soul of the Sirius Sting. Except for the Sirius Stabbing Soul, the Lin Wolf had not used any other life souls.

Although the Timberwolves didn't use many life souls, the martial arts of the Timberwolves really appeared endlessly. In the battle between Tang Ao and Lin Wolf just now, Tang Ao slightly estimated that the Lin Wolf used at least 60 different martial arts. Unlike ordinary martial artists who mainly cultivate life soul, the focus of body-refining martial artists seems to be entirely on the polishing of martial skills.

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