Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1715: Different Yuanjing

Without thinking about other things, Tang Ao took out the 100 yuan crystal that he had previously obtained from the forest wolf. Tang Ao had obtained Yuan Jing before, but until now, Tang Ao had not studied Yuan Jing carefully, and of course he had not practiced with Yuan Jing. There were still a lot of one hundred yuan crystals, and there was a small pile in front of Tang Ao.

Tang Ao also took out the Yuan Jing he had previously obtained. Although Tang Ao was imaged by Han Yan, Yang Miao and others, and did not get too many Yuan Jing, Tang Ao still killed more than a dozen black ones. Fog monster, thus obtained more than ten yuan crystal. After taking out all the crystals, Tang Ao discovered that these crystals were a little different.

That is, if you observe carefully with the soul mind, you will find that there is a golden filament in the original crystal. This filament is embedded in Yuanjing, I don't know what it is. At the moment Tang Ao turned his celestial pupil to look carefully, although he could clearly see this thread using his soul mind, but using the celestial pupil would undoubtedly save a lot of trouble.

Sure enough, under Tianji pupil's investigation, Tang Ao quickly discovered the difference between these crystals. Among the more than one hundred yuan crystals, more than half of the yuan crystals only have such a golden filament, and in a very small number of yuan crystals, there are surprisingly two golden filaments. And there is a most special element crystal, this element crystal contains three golden filaments.

Tang Ao picked up a yuan crystal with only one golden filament, and closed his eyes to feel the yuan crystal with three golden filaments. With the influx of Tang Ao's soul thoughts, Tang Ao discovered that the two crystals were indeed different. The vitality contained in the crystal with three golden filaments was more than that of the crystal with only one golden filament. The purity is also more vast.

In this way, these crystals can be divided into lower-grade crystals, middle-grade crystals, and upper-grade crystals. Tang Ao knew that with the massive excavation of Yuanjing, Yuanjing would inevitably become a higher-level currency than Yangyuan Pill on Feixing Continent, but now Tang Ao didn’t know whether he still possessed the three golden filaments. Yuan Jing with four golden filaments.

However, Tang Ao didn’t think about that much either. No matter in Tang Ao’s soul exploration or under the observation of Tianji pupil, Tang Ao only discovered that there was a vast high-level vitality in Yuanjing. As for other things, Tang Ao found nothing. Up. Therefore, Tang Ao directly grabbed a piece of Yuanjing and started practicing with the ancient **** moving heaven method.

Only when he started practicing, Tang Ao was surprised to find that the high-level vitality in Yuan Jing seemed to repel him, and when Tang Ao was practicing, the vitality in Yuan Jing was also rapidly escaping into the surrounding space, and then changed. Nothingness disappears. This made Tang Ao a little depressed. In this way, the vitality martial artist in a piece of Yuanjing could absorb less than one thousandth of the refining, and all the other vitality would escape into the surrounding space and disappear.

However, Tang Ao also had to admit that this elemental crystal was really powerful. After Tang Ao absorbed all the energy that could be absorbed and refined in a single elemental crystal, Tang Ao discovered that he had cultivated in the 9th level of the body forging realm. Since he had already approached the middle stage of the ninth level of the body forging state, if a few more yuan crystals came, he wanted to break through the ninth level of the body forging state to reach the yuan martial state.

But with the following practice, Tang Ao became less optimistic. At the beginning, the first element crystal was able to achieve such good results because Tang Ao had stayed for a long time in the early stage of the ninth level of the body forging realm. In addition to the training and accumulation during this period, he was only under the traction of Yuanjing. With such a good effect.

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