Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1734: Stop him for me

So once Lin Shaofeng fell into Tang Ao's hands, it was obviously impossible to escape by himself. And now Lin Hucheng could understand Tang Ao's thoughts, Tang Ao must use Lin Shaofeng to blackmail him, and then escape from the Lin family residence. Although he understood that this was Tang Ao's trick, Lin Hucheng knew that if Tang Ao really did like this, he really had nothing to do.

Sure enough, what Lin Hucheng was worried about still happened. After Tang Ao grabbed Lin Shaofeng with Ten Thousand Ghosts, Tang Ao rushed in one direction without saying a word. After being captured by Tang Ao's Ten Thousand Ghosts, Lin Shaofeng's eyes were dull and unable to resist. At this moment, Lin Shaofeng only knew that he had been caught by Tang Ao. As for other things, Lin Shaofeng only felt that his head was blank and didn't know anything.

Lin Shaofeng could feel that Tang Ao seemed to take him somewhere. Lin Shaofeng wanted to resist, but at this moment he could not feel the existence of vitality and life soul. If a warrior is cut off from the life soul and vitality, then this warrior is not much different from an ordinary person.

Of course, Tang Ao's Ten Thousand Ghosts Locking Soul was not so powerful. If Tang Ao wanted to use Ten Thousand Ghosts Locking Soul to control Lin Shaofeng in a head-on battle, it would not be so easy. And if Tang Ao was fighting with Lin Shaofeng, it would be easier for Tang Ao to kill Lin Shaofeng directly than to control Lin Shaofeng with Ten Thousand Ghosts. This time Tang Ao succeeded because Lin Shaofengtai was careless.

On the surface, he went all out to fight Qu Jiang, but in fact only he knew it, and he only used 70% of his strength. The reason for doing this is just to paralyze Qujiang, and then find a chance to kill Qujiang with one blow. It's just that Lin Shaofeng couldn't imagine it anyway, when he was calculating Qu Jiang, he himself had been targeted by Tang Ao.

If you can choose, now Lin Shaofeng is willing to be fully energized with Qu Jiang, and after the loss of Qujiang is resolved, he will join forces with his father to kill the forest wolf. By then, the five of them will join forces to deal with Tang Ao, It is as easy as slaughtering a pig and a dog. But now, it's too late to say anything. Lin Shaofeng has been trying to contact his fate soul, but the fate soul that can be sensed at any time in the past can't be sensed unexpectedly at this moment.

Lin Shaofeng could feel that his body seemed to be imprisoned by something. As long as this imprisonment existed, he could not use his vitality, nor could he summon the soul of life. At the moment, Lin Shaofeng was secretly anxious, Lin Shaofeng worried that killing Tang Ao was anxious and Tang Ao would not be good for him. Although Tang Ao would definitely have a miserable fate if Tang Ao did that, but if Lin Shaofeng died, Tang Ao would still suffer even if he died ten thousand times.

"Stop him!" Although he could not move his body, Lin Shaofeng could still hear the outside world. At this moment Lin Shaofeng heard what Lin Hucheng said, but Lin Shaofeng didn't know what was going on outside.

At this moment, Lin Shaofeng was **** by Tang Ao's Ten Thousand Ghosts Locked Soul into a zongzi and followed Tang Ao, and in front of Tang Ao, a group of warriors from the Lin family stood in the way. Seeing Tang Ao bringing Lin Shaofeng over, these people were not afraid, they were even nervous and excited. Tang Aowei understood as soon as he thought about it, if anyone stopped him at this time or even saved Lin Shaofeng, then he would have made a great contribution.

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