Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1746: Congenital soul defect

"Miss, you are saying that he was not seriously injured, but he was in a coma because of excessive consumption." Although Ling Xiaocui didn't understand medicine, but Ling Xiaocui knew some common sense. According to Ling Weiwei, Ling Xiaocui knew that if Tang Ao was not seriously injured and unconscious, then When Tang Ao passed out, there was only one last possibility left, and that was excessive consumption.

Ling Weiwei nodded and shook her head: "I don't know how to tell. Although I can feel that he consumes a lot of money, it can be seen from the blood on his clothes that he should have been injured before. It's just that I used my soul. After inspection, there were no wounds on his body. In other words, when the blood on his clothes did not dry up, the wound on his body was healed. It is really hard to believe this kind of thing."

After hearing what Ling Weiwei said, Xiao Cui also felt that Tang Ao felt a little mysterious. "Then young lady, or let's not save him." If Tang Ao is just an ordinary warrior, then it will be no problem for them to save Tang Ao by the way. However, if Tang Ao had any secrets, it might not be a good thing that they saved Tang Ao.

But Ling Weiwei's words quickly let Ling Xiaocui dispel the thought: "It's okay, I just saw it, this guy is only a mere ninth level of the body forging stage, and your lady, me, is now on the first floor of the Yuan Wu stage. Martial artist. So even if there is something wrong with this person, I can quickly control him, so you don't have to worry about it."

After saying this, Ling Weiwei took out the map and looked at it, and then said: "I have four hours to go to Changqingfang City. I will go to bed. If I encounter any problems, please wake me up at any time. If I don’t even wake up in Fangshi, you can pierce my Lingtai acupoint with this golden needle."

In fact, after a martial artist has cultivated to the third level of the body forging realm, he can rest and recover through meditation and breath adjustment, instead of going to bed specifically. Ling Weiwei had already surpassed the third floor of the Body Forging Realm. Now Ling Weiwei was a warrior on the first floor of the Yuan Wu Realm, but Ling Weiwei still had to sleep. This is because Ling Weiwei's congenital soul is weak, causing Ling Weiwei to be very lethargic.

When the cultivation base was low before, Ling Weiwei basically fell asleep for ten of the twelve hours a day, and even when she was awake, Ling Weiwei would easily fall asleep. Now that Ling Weiwei's cultivation reached the first level of Yuan Wu realm, her soul was also much stronger. But the flaws in the soul still exist, just different from the beginning. Now Ling Weiwei only sleeps for four to six hours a day. The rest of the time, Ling Weiwei is awake, and now there is no such thing as unexplained falling asleep. .

Ling Xiaocui is an orphan. Ling Weiwei asked Elder Tanxi to buy back Baihua Villa in a market when he was young. Because of Ling Weiwei's special physical condition, Ling Xiaocui took care of Ling Weiwei a long time ago. So now Ling Weiwei is going to sleep, Ling Xiaocui naturally knows the reason.

At the moment Ling Xiaocui nodded and said: "Miss, you can sleep peacefully. I will wake you up as soon as I have something." He said that, but what Ling Xiaocui thought in her heart was, if it weren't for something that couldn't be solved. In fact, she would never wake Ling Weiwei easily. Although piercing Ling Weiwei's Lingtai point with a golden needle can wake Ling Weiwei, Ling Weiwei will be very painful after forcibly awakening Ling Weiwei in this way.

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