Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1750: Food and wine

Tang Ao also knew these news from a chat with Luo Yunshang not long ago. If it hadn't been for Luo Yunshang to tell Tang Ao, Tang Ao would never have known that in addition to Lin Ruchang, the Dan League actually had a Supreme Elder. Tang Ao didn't doubt whether Huayuan really awakened the fate of Thirteenth Heaven. Because if Hua Yuan really gets a certain amount of soul crystals, then after he absorbs and refines these soul crystals, his soul mind can really be greatly improved. After the soul mind is improved, he wants to awaken the advanced life soul. Obviously it is not a problem.

After hearing Tang Ao say that someone had awakened the soul of Thirteenth Heaven, everyone showed shocked expressions. Because before, there were two iron laws on the Feixing Continent. The first one is that the warriors of Feixing Continent can only awaken the six souls of life, and even the most powerful warriors can only sense the twelve levels of the great world. The existence of the sky, as for the higher horizons, cannot be perceived. Another iron rule is that the limit of martial arts in Feixing Continent is the first level of Yuanwu Realm.

Even a talented warrior like Lu Chuanjia, who had stayed at the first level of Yuanwu Realm for a thousand years, but with the appearance of Scarlet Wasteland, both of these iron laws were broken. Later, Tang Ao told everyone about the Scarlet Wasteland. Everyone heard a burst of excitement. Although the Scarlet Wasteland is perilous, these warriors are looking forward to reaching Changqingfang City earlier. After finishing the middle, they immediately started hunting down the black fog monster and purple snail mosquito.

While chatting, these warriors of Baihua Villa also took out all the wine and food. Tang Ao also had to admit that these guys are really good at living a life, and the originally boring journey is just so fun to be led by them. Grilling the corn, potatoes and various skewers on the campfire. Although most warriors disdain to enjoy these common world foods, Tang Ao doesn't have this idea.

Let alone other things, at least for now, Tang Ao feels that these wild boar skewers are very enjoyable with the aged wine of Baihua Mountain Villa. And Tang Ao could also see that Xiaocui's cooking skills are really excellent. These meat skewers are marinated with Xiaocui's special spices, so the taste is extremely delicious after roasting.

Cultivating to Tang Ao's level had already been bigu. But now facing these delicacies, Tang Ao also let go of eating. "Brother Tang Ao, I toast you a drink, you have suffered such a serious injury before, and now there is nothing wrong with you. Obviously Brother Tang Ao is a blessed person." The one who spoke to Tang Ao was a drunk and drunk teenager.

The impression of this young man Tang Ao is also good. Tang Ao doesn't know what his name is. He just saw that everyone called him Xiao Tiezhu, so Tang Ao also called him Xiao Tiezhu just like everyone else. Tang Ao learned that there was a reclusive strongman in Baihua Villa called Elder Tanxi, and these people were all disciples of Elder Tanxi.

This old man Tanxi had a lot of accomplishments in alchemy, refining tools, talisman, and formation, and Xiao Tiezhu was a martial artist who followed the old man Tanxi to learn refining weapons. Xiao Tie Zhu was not very old, only about fifteen or sixteen. What interested Tang Ao was that he made a sledgehammer as tall as him. This sledgehammer is not only the blacksmith's hammer he used when refining tools, but also his weapon in battle.

Although this sledgehammer only had a four-star spiritual weapon, Tang Ao admired it very much. Because regardless of the smelting of the spiritual material, the polishing of the sledgehammer, or the depiction of the inner inscription array, Tang Ao could feel that the small iron column was very meticulous. In the Feixing Continent, the refiner has not been a promising profession, so the refiner of the Feixing Continent is usually very casual when refining.

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