Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1836: Battle in the valley

However, Dinan Stargrass is different from other spirit grasses. The value of the whole plant of Dinan Stargrass is not the same. Just like the Dinan Stargrass in front of me, the most valuable place is the top young leaves that were eaten by this unknown monster, followed by the roots, and finally the other leaves. However, from Tang Ao's perspective, if it was for an ordinary alchemist or an ordinary herbivorous monster, then this Dinan Stargrass could already be regarded as a treasure.

Dinan Stargrass is a kind of Six-Rank Spirit Grass. In the Meteor Continent where there is only vitality, this level of Spirit Herb should not appear, but Tang Ao now knows that although it belongs to the Meteor Continent, it is still in Fulong Crypt Outside Fulong Crypt can be regarded as two worlds. Before Tang Ao entered the Fulong Crypt, he had deeply felt how thin the vitality of the world outside the Fulong Crypt was, so Tang Ao inferred that there would never be any high-grade spirit grass outside the Fulong Crypt.

And in Fulong Crypt, not every area is the same. Inside the Evergreen Valley is one world, and outside Evergreen Valley is another world. The Scarlet Wasteland explored by Tang Ao and others is only an area of ​​Evergreen Valley, but in this area there are treasures such as the Three Blood Lotus. At the same time, the treasures of Evergreen Valley don't stop there. Tang Ao has seen images in the depths of Evergreen Valley, and also knew that there are treasures such as Kunlun flowers in the depths of Evergreen Valley.

There are many treasures in the Evergreen Valley, but it doesn't mean that there is nothing outside of Evergreen Valley. Outside Qingyun Village, there is a forest with natural traps, and in this forest there is the existence of ancient spirit grass and stars. After Tang Ao's soul sea recovered a bit, Tang Ao kept thinking about moving all this forest into the chaotic six-lighted mirror space, but now Tang Ao is full of trivial matters, and there is no time to do this.

After spotting the Dinan Stargrass that had been bitten by the monster beast, Tang Ao hesitated for a while and was still going to find this picky little guy. The reason he said this was a little guy was because Tang Ao saw a small footprint that resembled a kitten on the slime on the side. Under curiosity, Tang Ao's soul thought was released in all directions, and under Tang Ao's perception, everything around him became extremely clear.

However, apart from the small footprints on the slime and the tooth marks left on the Dinan Stargrass, Tang Ao would never see this little guy again. After searching for a while, and still finding nothing, Tang Ao decided to go to the hillside where Yuanyang Grass was located. Although Tang Ao didn't have one spiritual pet at the moment, in fact Tang Ao still had two spiritual pets. It's just that Tang Ao has been alone for a long time in his previous life. In this life, Tang Ao has regarded these two little guys as younger brothers and sisters.

It was just the changes in the Ming Emperor secret realm that caused Tang Huo'er and Tang You to also be missing. However, Tang Ao didn't worry about these two guys. These two little guys could switch between human form and beast form at will, and their survivability was naturally not a problem. It's just that now Tang Ao Linghai is completely broken, and the soul sea has only recovered a small part, so Tang Ao still can't perceive the location of Tang You and Tang Huo'er.

The hillside where Dinan Stargrass grows is not far from Tang Ao, but Tang Ao just walked a step in that direction before he ducked into hiding. Because there was a narrow valley in front of Tang Ao, and at this moment, powerful vitality burst out from the valley. From the fluctuating vitality, Tang Ao could judge that at this moment there were two monsters with strength reaching the fifth level of the Yuan Wu realm or even stronger.

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