Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1845: hungry

Tang Ao checked the Herborist collection when he had free time during this period. Now Tang Ao probably knew more spirit grass than Emperor Shennong. After all, many of the spirit grasses recorded on Herborist were not mentioned by Emperor Shennong, and Emperor Shennong also told Tang Ao that even he did not reach the peak of the alchemy. Although Tang Ao had never seen Moyu Fairy Fruit before, Tang Ao was sure that he must have taken Moyu Fairy Fruit just now.

Although in a trance, Tang Ao could still feel the Snow Wing Civet giving him a spirit fruit. And the dark green fruit, no matter the smell or the effect, is completely consistent with the Moyu fairy fruit. "No loss is an immortal spirit fruit, it's really magical." Tang Ao secretly admired the vitality and soul in his body. Moreover, Tang Ao also found that his broken Spirit Sea and Soul Sea seemed to have recovered a bit.

Among the healing celestial grasses, Moyu fairy fruit ranks fifth. Tang Ao estimated that as long as he could have more than ten Moyu Fairy Fruits, his injury might be able to fully recover. Right now Tang Ao looked forward to the Snow Winged Civet lying beside him expectantly. Tang Ao reached out and touched its little head, and immediately asked: "Little guy, can you understand me?"

After hearing Tang Ao's words, the Xue Wing Civet immediately tilted its head, looking extremely cute. But from its big puzzled eyes, Tang Ao knew that although this snow-winged civet had its wits, it was too small now, so even if it had a human language in its memory of inheritance, it seemed to still not understand it. .

Tang Ao smiled helplessly at the moment, Xue Wing Civet couldn't hear him, so it was naturally impossible for him to ask about the whereabouts of Mo Yu fairy fruit. However, Tang Ao didn't give up. Since the Snow-winged Civet can get the Moyu Fairy Fruit, it means there must be Moyu Fairy Fruit somewhere nearby. As long as Tang Ao followed the Snow-winged Civet, it would naturally not be a problem to find Moyu Fairy Fruit.

"Gululu." Just when Tang Ao was thinking about how to let the Snow-winged Civet take him to find the Moyu Fairy Fruit, Tang Ao heard the small belly of the Xue-wing Civet gurgling, and the little guy was obviously hungry. Up. At this time the snow-winged civet also stood up, looking at Tang Ao innocently with his big watery eyes, as if he wanted Tang Ao to find food with him.

The adult snow-winged civet can feed on monsters such as sea dragons and flood dragons, which shows how terrifying the snow-winged civet is when it grows up. However, it is obviously impossible for a snow-winged civet in its juvenile period to deal with powerful monsters such as sea dragons and flood dragons. Therefore, the snow-winged civet in its juvenile period feeds on some heaven and earth spiritual objects.

The Moyu fairy fruit Xue-wing civet gave Tang Ao just now was the food Xue-wing civet prepared today. After giving Moyu fairy fruit to Tang Ao to heal his injuries, the little guy was naturally hungry. Because of the jade body of the Nine Dragon Emperor, the Snow-winged Civet likes to stay beside Tang Ao. Because Xue Wing Civet found that it seemed to have a very comfortable feeling when he was around Tang Ao.

"Little guy, let's go and find something to eat." Tang Ao looked at its lovely appearance, and immediately waved at it. After Tang Ao waved his hand, the Xue Wing Civet bounced and then jumped onto Tang Ao's shoulder. Obviously when hungry, this little thing didn't even want to go. Not only that, looking at its posture, it seemed that Tang Ao was going to help it find food.

After jumping on Tang Ao's shoulder, the Snow Winged Civet arched Tang Ao with his small head very affectionately. Seeing its cute little appearance, Tang Ao smiled helplessly. Tang Ao also had to admit that this little guy is really likable. Therefore, Tang Ao also left this cave with the snow-winged civet.

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