Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1853: Where did this little thing come from

Originally, Tang Ao was still going to praise the little guy, but what left Tang Ao speechless was that the little guy didn't know what to do after freezing these skeleton monsters. Therefore, its attack only killed all the skeleton monsters below the Yuan Wu level in seconds, and the skeleton monsters in the Yuan Wu level were frozen and unable to move, but after the ice melted, these skeleton monsters would still not suffer too much. damage.

As if knowing that he was not doing well enough, Xue Wing Civet also looked at Tang Ao with aggrieved eyes. After signing the spirit beast contract with Tang Ao, some inheritance secret skills appeared in the Xue-winged civet's mind, but because it is too small now, and compared with the snow-winged civet, its cultivation base is too low at this moment, so Xue The Wing Cat did not fully master these talent secrets.

Although Tang Ao had seen snow-winged civets in the Xuanhuang Continent in the previous life, Tang Ao didn’t know much about snow-winged civets, so Tang Ao didn’t know the fighting methods of snow-winged civets and the powerful secret techniques of the snow-winged civets. But Tang Ao knew that after the skeleton monster had finally been frozen, he should not think about other things, and immediately launch a stormy attack.

With a thought, Tang Ao passed the signal of attacking the skeleton monster to the Snow Winged Civet. Although Xue Wing Civet didn’t know why Tang Ao wanted it to attack at this time, but thinking of Tang Ao’s delicious Spirit Beast Queen, Xue Wing Civet’s aura suddenly changed, and immediately flew towards the skeleton group with its wings. past.

Then the snow-winged civet swung dozens of sharp claws in mid-air, and the sharp ice blades also pierced the space, shooting towards the group of skeletons below. These skeletal monsters had no resilience at all under the erosion of the cold air. At this moment, they were swept away by the ice blade of the snow-winged civet, and they shattered instantly. After the snow-winged civet shot a round, the skeleton monsters just now had all turned into a piece of ice.

In this state, it is impossible for the skeleton monster to recover. Of course, there is also a drawback, that is, under the erosion of the cold, the bone meal can no longer be used after these skeleton monsters are beheaded. However, these bone meal had no effect on Tang Ao, so there was no problem in solving the skeleton monster in this way.

Otherwise, if Tang Ao arranged a lightning array to solve these skeletons, the effect would be the same. After the Xue-winged civet solved these skeleton monsters, a burst of **** brilliance condensed beside Tang Ao, and then the blood-stained figure was revealed. The bloodstain appeared because I felt a lot of vitality fluctuations around Tang Ao, and worried that Tang Ao could not cope with it, so I came to have a look.

Although the bloodstain was always thinking about how to deal with Tang Ao, before the bloodstain was disconnected from Tang Ao's soul imprint, the bloodstain could really only hope for it every day, and nothing happened. Because under the soul brand connection, if he falls, Tang Ao will only suffer some minor injuries, but once Tang Ao falls, then his bloodstain is very likely to die, so the bloodstain rushed over immediately.

But what Bloodstain didn't expect was that Tang Ao didn't seem to need his help. As soon as the bloodstain appeared, he saw the ice **** in the surrounding area and the powerful snow-winged civet. However, because the Xue-winged civet and Tang Ao had concluded a spirit beast contract, they had the aura of Tang Ao on their body, so the bloodstain also knew that the Xue-wing civet was Tang Ao's spiritual pet.

"Where did this little thing come from?" Looking at the snow-winged civet with the sixth-layer cultivation base of the Yuan Wu realm, the bloodstain asked. Because at this moment, Tang Ao’s cultivation is only on the first level of the Yuan Wu state. With the first level of the Yuan Wu state, he can conclude a spirit beast contract with a spirit beast on the sixth floor of the Yuan Wu state. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, the bloodstain must have thought that the other party was there. joke.

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