Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1867: No trace

After Luo Yunshang was willing to stay here to practice, Tang Ao also gave her many exercises and books and cultivation resources. Although Tang Ao gave Luo Yunshang a lot before, Luo Yunshang hasn't used it up until now, but Tang Ao is obviously not stingy with Luo Yunshang. It used to be because Luo Yunshang looked like Luo Caiyi, but now it is because Tang Ao has regarded Luo Yunshang as his sister. Tang Ao was even more unlikely to be stingy with his sister.

After giving the cultivation resources to Luo Yunshang and answering the questions Luo Yunshang encountered in his cultivation, Tang Ao continued to explore this canyon. Although Tang Ao still saw a lot of good spirit grass this time, Tang Ao did not collect it manually this time, but carefully watched the changes around him. It's just that there is no difference from just now. Tang Ao walked and found that he saw the small lake in the middle of the valley again.

Tang Ao was very surprised at this, and he didn't need to think too much about the formation. When Tang Ao didn't understand it, Tang Ao didn't notice the fluctuation of the formation during the whole process. You should know that Tang Ao's soul thought was always covering the surroundings during the exploration, but even so, Tang Ao still did not find any traces of formation in this canyon.

Tang Ao didn't stop, and continued to choose one of the mountain roads to walk. This time Tang Ao directly opened the eyes of the celestial pole pupil and watched around as he walked. It didn't take long for Tang Ao to return to the middle of the valley without any accident. Tang Ao also appeared in front of Tang Ao's eyes.

But even so, Tang Ao still did not give up. Others didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back, but at this moment Tang Ao obviously hit the south wall and didn't look back. Because if even the Celestial Eye pupils can't discover the secrets of this valley, it will even more explain the greatness of this valley, and it can also be said that there are some unimaginable opportunities in this valley.

Similarly, if Tang Ao can't understand the mystery of this valley, and can't use Blood Shadow Escape to take a few people away after the bloodstain wakes up, things will be troublesome. So no matter what, Tang Ao had to understand the secrets in this canyon as soon as possible. Five days later, the Centennial Celebration of the Nine Color Deer Chamber of Commerce was of great significance to Tang Ao, let alone other things, but Tang Ao had to get the road map of the ground flint ruins.

If you want to refine the Three Treasure Blood Lotus Pill for the bloodstain, it is obviously impossible to only use ordinary pill fire. You must obtain the Earth Fire Inflammation Marrow to upgrade the Nether Fire. After the Earth Fire Inflammation Marrow is upgraded, the Nether Fire will not have the initial cold Attribute, Tang Ao can use Nether Fire to refine alchemy in the future. Moreover, Tang Ao had only one chance to refine the Three Blood Lotus Pill.

The other spirit grasses are okay, but the main material, the Three Blood Lotus, Tang Ao only has one in his hand. If the refining fails, then Tang Ao can only use the Breaking Talisman to take everyone away. But Tang Ao felt that it would not be so easy to fail in refining under a fully prepared situation.

This time when Tang Ao was halfway through, Tang Ao suddenly stopped. Although Tang Ao still didn't find anything, Tang Ao still felt that if there was something wrong with this canyon, then the problem on the far right must be in the middle section of each mountain road. Tang Ao had already walked the eight passages in the entire valley many times just now, but after walking down these many times, Tang Ao didn't find anything wrong.

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