Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1881: A hundred people

Although Tang Ao rarely looked in the mirror, Tang Ao still knew that the black-clothed young man sitting across from him at the moment looked exactly the same as himself. And not only looks, but even life and soul seem to be the same. Tang Ao's Qinglian sword soul has gone through several advancements before it became what it is today, and the opposite "Tang Ao" Qinglian sword soul is also exactly the same as his own.

"Is this level of assessment against yourself? This is interesting." Tang Ao muttered to himself, because Tang Ao and his two generations practiced cultivation, it was the first time this happened. It was just that the black-clothed youth who was sitting across from him seemed to understand Tang Ao's thoughts, so he slowly got up, and then said to Tang Ao.

"My name is Gu Ying, and my abilities are a bit special. I can replicate the abilities of any warrior. The moment you step on the martial arts field, your abilities are completely replicated by me. I am very surprised by your situation. The warrior of the emperor jade body, I have also met before. But you are a little special."

Tang Ao still didn't care about what Gu Ying had said before, but after Gu Ying directly said the physique of his Nine Dragon Emperor jade body, Tang Ao couldn't care less. Because the existence of the jade body of the Jiulong Emperor is very special, even a martial artist with a much stronger cultivation base than Tang Ao, if there is no special means, it is impossible to see through the physique of the jade body of the Jiulong Emperor.

Tang Ao was sure that he had never been in contact with Gu Ying before, and as long as the martial artist Tang Ao had contacted, Tang Ao would definitely remember the other's breath. In other words, this Gu Ying really only glanced at himself, and he knew the special physique of the jade body of the Nine Dragon Emperor. This ability is terrifying. But Tang Ao still had some doubts, that was whether Gu Ying had really copied all his abilities.

"Come on, win me and you will get the top level stuff, but if you lose to me, you will soon be able to leave again." Guying hesitated for a while after saying this, then said: "Of course. I can also give you a choice. If you leave now, I can decide to reward you for this level of clearance. What do you think?"

Gu Ying is definitely not a person who likes to talk, but he has said enough today. The reason why I have said so much is because Gu Ying is not sure when facing Tang Ao! After Da Meng Dao Zun died, Gu Ying guarded the light card on the eleventh floor of Da Meng Buddha Tower. Although the Big Dream Pagoda has 36 floors and it is said to have 36 levels, in fact, the Big Dream Pagoda has only three levels.

The first level is to get the approval of Ling Xiaomeng, the Great Dream Buddha Tower, the second level is to fight against the barren wolf demon in the same realm, and the third level is to defeat him. As long as you defeat him, you can get what Dameng Dao Zun left behind. At the time, Gu Ying and Da Meng Dao Zun had an agreement that as long as he could defeat a hundred warriors who came to challenge the tower, he would be able to take away the things left by Da Meng Dao Zun and leave the Great Dream Buddha Tower.

After all, Tang Ao happened to be a hundred challengers. He waited too long on this day, so when he learned that another warrior had defeated the ancient wolf demon, Gu Ying was very excited. But when Tang Ao set foot on the martial arts field and his talent secret technique successfully copied Tang Ao's abilities, Gu Ying lacked confidence.

He had never felt this way in the battle in the same realm. Because up to now, Gu Ying has not known how many battles, but in the battle of the same realm, Gu Ying has never lost. However, after copying Tang Ao's abilities, Gu Ying knew that if he didn't possess this special talent secret technique, then he had no chance of winning against Tang Ao.

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