Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1923: Lujia Residency is destroyed

What kind of existence is this? Lu Siye, who could almost rampage the Feixing Continent, was pinched to death by his hands. At this moment, everyone in the Lu family had only one thought, and that was that the Lu family was over. Provoked by such an existence, even if the Patriarch makes a shot, it may not be an opponent! For a time, the Lu family residence was in chaos, many people robbed things, and many people fled in a hurry.

Tang Ao didn't rush to kill these Lu Family's little friends either. Soon Tang Ao arrived in the dungeon, and Ling Weiwei raised her head and glanced at the sound of the dungeon. It was a young man in white who had never seen it before, and a look of doubt appeared in his eyes.

"Junior Sister Ling, it's been a long time since I saw you." Tang Ao was transformed into his original appearance after a while. When Ling Weiwei saw that it was Tang Ao, her eyes were full of surprises, but then Ling Weiwei seemed to think of something. As soon as her expression changed, she hurriedly said to Tang Ao: "Brother Tang Ao, hurry up. There are two strong Lu family in this place. , These two people are the sixth-tier martial artist of Yuan Wu Realm, you..."

Ling Weiwei did not finish, but was interrupted by the little Tie Zhu who followed Tang Ao: "Sister Weiwei, don't worry, those two old turtles have been killed by Big Brother Tang Ao. With Big Brother Tang Ao's current strength, Even if the old man Lu Chuanjia came, he would still deliver food." Now Xiao Tiezhu really admires Tang Ao.

Tang Ao just beheaded Lu Rensi's hand, which was really handsome. In fact, what Xiao Tiezhu didn't know was that even though Tang Ao seemed to be downplaying it, it was far more difficult to squeeze Lu Rensi with his vitality hand than using Qinglian Jianqi. Just to create a shocking effect, Tang Ao also tried it at will.

With a wave of his sleeves, several bursts of light flew out, cutting off all the iron chains that bound Ling Weiwei, and then Tang Ao took out the pill and gave them to them. After taking Tang Ao's pill, Ling Weiwei's complexion also improved quickly. At this time, Tang Ao also heard the two flaming lions held in another room. Because of the soul imprint, these two guys also felt that Tang Ao was nearby.

Taking a look at these two guys, Tang Ao sighed a little. After Xiao Tiezhu and the others were caught, they were tortured, but these two guys were very magnificent and the food was amazing. Obviously, the martial artist of the Lu family also wanted to raise these two flaming lions. It's just that they didn't know that the two flaming lions had long been planted by Tang Ao.

At the same time, Tang Ao also saw other warriors imprisoned in the dungeon. At that moment, Tang Ao flung out a sword gas, and the sharp sword light split the iron gate of the prison. At the same time, these people all knelt and said, "Thank you Senior came to the rescue."

"Well, the martial artist of the Lu Family has already run away. You can take whatever you want from the Lu Family's residence." Tang Ao casually waved two swords and broke through the iron cage of the imprisoned Flame Lion, and said casually.

These people naturally understood that what Tang Ao said was true. Although they didn't understand what happened, if it hadn't been for the Lu Family's martial artist to leave, Tang Ao would not have come here so easily.

"Huh! Something?" At this moment, Tang Ao saw a warrior with scattered hair approaching him. Tang Ao felt a little familiar to this young man with disheveled hair, but Tang Ao didn't remember where he had seen him.

"Senior, I have a big secret here to tell you. It's just that after I said that, the senior will promise the younger one one thing." Unlike other prisoners, Li Wangxu knows that the Lu family's residence has two elements. The powerhouse on the sixth floor of the Martial Realm. And Li Wangxu also heard that there was a panic outside.

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