Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1932: Fragment of Earth Fire

Under Tang Aoxunnian's detection, everything in the entire lava cave was hidden from view. But even so, Tang Ao still didn't find the flame marrow of the earth. It stands to reason that the place where the ground flint appears must have the ground flame marrow. As for the ground flame marrow of this place, it has been taken away by other warriors, that is simply impossible.

Now that this step can be achieved, he is probably the only one in the entire Feixing Continent, the blood eagle on the eighth floor of the Yuan Wu Realm, and he can't walk around in this place. What made Tang Ao very depressed was that he had been searching here for a long time, but he didn't find the existence of Earth Flame Marrow.

At this moment, Tang Ao didn't hesitate, and Tianji pupil opened his eyes instantly, and under the observation of Tianji pupil, everything around him became extremely clear. But even so, Tang Ao still didn't find it. "Huh!" At this moment, Tang Ao saw a crimson transparent crystal the size of a nail shell not far away.

Tang Ao recognized it at a glance, this was the essence of Earth Flame! It's just that this piece of ground flame marrow is obviously a fragment. After feeling the flame marrow of the earth fire, the nether fire immediately swallowed the flame marrow of the earth flame. Just such a small amount of flame marrow was obviously not enough for Netherfire to upgrade. Tang Ao was a little depressed. The flame marrow of the ground just now was obviously crushed by something.

At this time, Tang Ao had a bad thought in his heart, that is, there is some powerful monster here that actually feeds on the flame marrow of the earth fire. Of course Tang Ao wasn't afraid of this unknown monster. What Tang Ao was really worried about was that this guy had eaten all the flame marrow here. If this is the case, things are in trouble.

After discovering that there was a monster that could devour the flame marrow of the ground fire, Tang Ao didn't look for the flame marrow of the ground fire at all, but started looking for traces of the monster beast. But to Tang Ao's surprise, this monster seemed to be completely integrated with the surrounding area. Tang Ao observed for a long time and found no trace of the monster around it.

"Kacha!" Behind Tang Ao, Tang Ao suddenly heard a crisp sound. With Tang Ao's current strength, there would naturally not be auditory hallucinations. In other words, there was really a crisp sound from that position just now. Tang Ao immediately used the celestial pupil to look in that direction, and then Tang Ao was surprised to see that there was a crimson crystal the size of a finger.

Although this piece of flame marrow was a little bigger than the one just now, it was still a fragment. With a move from Tang Ao, the flame marrow of the earth flame flew out. This time Tang Ao clearly saw that there was a row of tooth marks on the flame marrow of the earth flame. Seeing this row of teeth marks, Tang Ao was a little funny, because Tang Ao discovered that this little guy who could swallow the flame marrow of the earth did not even have his teeth.

With this discovery, Tang Ao searched the ruins very carefully. Tang Ao didn't believe it, even his celestial pupil couldn't find this guy. But what made Tang Ao helpless was that in this space, this monster was really easy to hide. Now Tang Ao was completely certain that this unknown strange monster beast could completely blend in this piece of magma, no matter its shape or breath.

After searching for one in this lava cave for nearly an hour, Tang Ao felt a little helpless, because an hour passed, the earth flame marrow was not found, nor did Tang Ao find this beast that specializes in eating earth flame marrow. When Tang Ao was thinking about whether to change to another place and continue to look for it, Tang Ao suddenly thought of a good way. Since this guy likes to eat the natural treasures of the fire attribute, Tang Ao simply came to wait.

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