Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1958: Murong Xuan's decision

After escaping from Murong Villa, Ma Yu secretly rejoiced. As far as he is practicing Imperishable Souls, the progress of his cultivation can be said to be rapid, and if he loses here today, he will lose a lot. As long as he doesn't die today, he will come back sooner or later to clean up Tang Ao. After seeing Tang Ao not chasing him at all, Ma Yu didn't dare to stay, and continued to fly away.

Just at this moment, Ma Yu suddenly saw a golden feather arrow flying from behind him. This golden feather arrow completely locked his energy in an instant. Ma Yu found that no matter how dodged at this moment, he could not avoid the attack of this golden feather arrow. But Ma Yu was very anxious, and immediately took out a shield.

"Kacha!" Under Tang Ao's Xuantian arrow, the shield that Ma Yu offered immediately shattered.

"No!" After making the last scream, Xuantian Arrow shot Ma Yu instantly. Then there was a "boom", and the sky was full of vitality. When the surrounding vitality fluctuations calm down, there is still a shadow of Ma Yu.

Tang Ao shot Ma Yu with an arrow, which was undoubtedly very shocking to everyone. The four people who were about to deal with Tang Ao immediately knelt down in shock: "Senior for your life." These four are not the warriors of the Wang family, but they were recruited by Mrs. Wang after the Scarlet Wasteland gained a little benefit.

But where the four of them could think of, the Murong family, who was already in decline, still had such strong support. If they had known that the Murong family had such a strong asylum, they would not dare to come to the Murong family to be presumptuous even if they had eaten the bear heart and leopard courage. Murong Xuan was very happy in her heart. She didn't expect Tang Ao to have practiced to such an extent now. Where did Tang Ao come to her for help, it was clear that she came to relieve the Murong family.

At the moment Murong Xuan's nose sore, she bowed to thank her. But a soft vitality dragged Murong Xuan up, and then Tang Ao said: "Sister Murong, when Tang was in trouble, you had a life-saving grace to Tang Ao. So today Tang also helps you Murong family through a crisis. What do you want to do with the rest of you?"

Mrs. Wang and the people behind Mrs. Wang can be said to have been blessed by the Murong family. But these people not only didn't want to repay their gratitude, but when the Murong family was embarrassed, they wanted to bite back. Tang Ao hated such a white-eyed wolf the most. According to Tang Ao's thoughts, none of these people would be let go.

"This..." Murong Xuan was a little embarrassed when she heard Tang Ao's words. Murong Xuan looked at Murong Di at a loss, but surprisingly, this time Murong Di pretended not to see it. Of course Murong Di didn't fail to see Murong Xuan's eyes asking for help. It was because Murong Di knew that his deadline had come, and it was Murong Xuan who would really take charge of the Murong family in the future. And this time will be Murong Xuan's first important decision to take over the Murong family.

Murong Xuan naturally understood what his father meant. Murong Xuan hated these people in front of him. Without these people, so many things would not happen to the Murong family. After a long silence, Murong Xuan said: "The warrior who has not been contaminated by the Murong family disciple takes a step back."

Although she didn't understand what Murong Xuan was going to do, the warriors behind Madam Wang who had not killed the disciples of the Murong family took a step back. Among them, the warriors who killed the disciples of the Murong family wanted to step back, but after seeing the eyes of the Murong family's people on the opposite side, they understood that it was obviously useless not to admit it at this time.

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