Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 1997: The crisis of the Seven Kills

Tang Ao didn't say much to them, and directly took out the identity token of the inner disciple of the Seven Kill Sect. After seeing Tang Ao's identity token, the two were shocked. When did the Seven Killing Sect's inner sect have such a powerful senior?

"Junior Brother has seen Senior Brother." After seeing that Tang Ao is also a disciple of the Seven Kill Sect, their attitudes became softer, and they were not blocking Tang Ao.

After entering the Seven Killing Sect, Tang Aohun swept away and rushed to the main hall of the Zongmen. At the moment in the main hall of the sect, the seven killers gathered here. Right above, Feng Ya was already very old. Even if you cultivate to the star realm, the martial artist's life span is not endless. And now, Fengya's longevity has reached its limit.

After Tang Ao approached, Feng Ya opened his muddy eyes and said coldly, "Who is it?" Now that he heard that his deadline is approaching, many Xiaoxiao coveted the Seven Killers, and felt the strange and powerful aura of Tang Ao. Feng Ya naturally regarded Tang Ao as this kind of Xiaoxiao.

Tang Ao clasped his fists and said, "Tang Ao, disciple of the inner sect of the Seven Kills, pay respect to the Supreme Elder."

After Tang Ao spoke, the whole hall was shocked. Everyone was looking for reputation, and then they saw Tang Ao walking towards the hall. Tang Ao, the first person on the Dragon and Phoenix Rankings, is one of the two most outstanding geniuses in the Seven Killers in a thousand years. If it weren't for these two people not to be there, Feng Ya wouldn't be so worried at the moment that there will be no successor to the Seven Kills Sect.

But over the years, neither Tang Ao nor another genius disciple Dongxuan Ye had heard from him, so Feng Ya had to worry about it. What Feng Ya didn't expect was that when his time was approaching, Tang Ao finally returned.

"Brother Tang Ao." After Tang Ao came in, several young men and women also bowed and saluted Tang Ao. These people are all wearing elder clothes, and they are obviously the elders of this generation of Seven Killers.

After a moment of stunned, Tang Ao also recognized these people. The easiest to recognize is the three brothers of the Fang family. At this moment, the three of Fang Xiuwen no longer have the kind of youthfulness that they used to be. Instead, they have a decisive killing spirit. Obviously, they have experienced a lot of things these years. The cultivation base of the three of them has also improved a lot compared to before, and they all have the cultivation base of the life and death level three.

On the other side, Jing Wushang had tied the black sheath long sword on his back. Having not seen it for so many years, Jing Wushang's right arm has also become empty, and the Seven Killing Sect seems to have encountered a lot of things. The young man in a blue shirt behind Jing Wushang was Jiang Zhuliu. When Tang Ao left the Seven Killing Sect, Jiang Zhuliu had the weakest cultivation base among the top ten experts in the Dragon and Phoenix Ranking, but now he has the cultivation base of the sixth level of life and death.

And Tang Ao quickly recognized the only woman in white. It was Kasahara Snow who was not inferior to Luo Caiyi. The five top disciples of the Seven Killers Sect who participated in the Underworld Trial at the time, only Kasahara Snow returned.

"You are finally back." Feng Ya's breath is already very weak, except for his lifespan exhaustion, he has been exhausted all these years.

"Master Fengya, why didn't you see the other elders?" Tang Ao didn't know what happened to the Seven Kills Sect, but it made Tang Ao feel a little strange. At the moment, he did not see any of the seven elders of the Seven Kills Sect. .

"Nan Shang and they had already died when the rest of the forces besieged the Seven Killing Sect that year. If it weren't for the other sects to besiege my Seven Killing Sect together, the Seven Killing Sect would not end up in such an unreliable situation." Feng Ya said here. Turning around, he immediately said proudly, "In the entire Xuanhuang Continent, which sect can survive under the siege of the four great families of the wild ancient and the four great sects of Xuanhuang? Only I am the Seven Killing Sect!"

Tang Ao was shocked, Nan Shang was the name of the former Great Elder of the Seven Kills Sect. Tang Ao didn't expect that after he fled to the ice and snow plain that year, so many things would happen on Xuanhuang Continent.

"It's good if you come back. As long as you and Dong Xuanye are alone, there is hope for the Seven Killing Sect. How is the cultivation level now? What is the combat power?" After a sigh, Feng Ya asked two questions in succession. Among the disciples of this seven-kill sect, only Dong Xuanye and Tang Ao have cultivated into the seven-kill holy way. Therefore, in the future, the Sect Master of the Seven Kills Sect will also choose one from Tang Ao and Dong Xuan Ye.

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