Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2005: The Fate of the Seven Killers

In the Seven Kills Sect, Tang Ao put Tie Zheng and Bai Qing down, and then Tang Ao waved his hand, and the vitality of the jade bone immediately appeared. Since he forcibly blocked Xiahou Kuangtian's blow just now, Tie Zheng's hands were already dripping with blood. But under the healing of Jade Bone's vitality and soul, Tie Zheng's hands soon recovered.

"Thank you Sect Master." Tie Zheng immediately gave a salute. Bai Qing was slightly surprised, and then he also hurriedly bowed to salute.

"You don't need to be polite, I am very satisfied with the two of you. You like the Seven Killing Sect so much, and the Seven Killing Sect will certainly not let you down. Let's gather at the dojo, and I will be there later." Although what happened halfway up the mountain It was short-lived, but it quickly spread throughout the Seven Killing Sect. Hearing that the sects of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect once again joined forces, those disciples who were about to leave the Seven Kill Sect hurriedly left.

In their opinion, the Heavenly Star Saint Sect and several sects came to the Seven Killing Sect again, and the Seven Killing Sect without Fengya Heavenly Elder was absolutely dead. And those disciples who chose to stay screamed with joy after hearing Tang Ao's move to teach Xiahou Kuangtian. Although the new sect master abolished the inner disciple as soon as he came, when facing the enemy, the new sect master was not at all ambiguous.

And this time the shot directly defeated the strong Xiahou family, Xiahou Kuangtian. Thinking of this, everyone has more hope for the Seven Killing Sect. As for those disciples who are vacillating, it is undoubtedly more painful at this moment. Tang Ao was able to crush Xiahou Kuangtian, so the strength of this new sovereign was beyond doubt. But can this new suzerain really be able to counter the joint forces of several major forces like Fengya Taishang Elder?

If you don't leave now, and the Seven Killing Sect will be destroyed in a while, they will definitely not be able to survive. If the Seven Kills Sect still survived the joint efforts of great forces this time, then it means that the Seven Kills Sect has great potential. In time, it will inevitably become an existence that the other major forces can't deal with when they unite.

Are you leaving or staying at this time? This problem can really kill people. If it was before, as long as the skin is thick enough, even if you leave this time, you can still come back after the wind and waves are calm. But this time the new Sect Master Tang Ao had a word first that anyone could leave the Seven Kill Sect, but after leaving the Seven Kill Sect, he could not worship the Seven Kill Sect again for life.

As time passed, these people had to make a decision. Some of them gritted their teeth and chose to stay. But more people still choose to leave. At this time, no one knows how to choose the right one. But among the disciples who stayed behind, no matter what the reason was for staying, they were a little worried.

With the current strength of the Seven Killing Sect, can it really contend against the combination of several major sects? If the Seven Kill Sect loses, will they still have a chance to survive? Or is it that they will be submerged in history just like the Seven Kill Sect? With a sense of anxiety, these disciples also took their weapons one after another and made full preparations to gather at the dojo.

Yesterday's dense crowd immediately became looser today. At this time yesterday, there were more than 14,000 disciples of the Seven Killing Sect. But now, there are only less than five thousand disciples left. Although the number of disciples of the Seven Kills Sect was reduced by half, Tang Ao was very satisfied looking at the remaining disciples.

Because in the eyes of these disciples, Tang Ao saw tension, determination, and even a trace of war intent. Even in the face of the cooperation of the other major sects, none of these disciples were still confused after they came here. This is very good. As a warrior, if he is still hesitating when the decisive battle comes, then he has already lost before the battle.

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