Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2013: Outer door treasure house opened

Although Tang Ao was tough now, he was still a bit worse than Fengya Taishang Elder of the Star Realm. Of course, if Tang Ao is already at the first level of the Star Realm cultivation base, then none of these people really want to leave today. It's just a pity that Tang Ao is still some distance away from the first level of the Star Realm. Although the injury is not serious this time, Tang Ao will take time to adjust.

As time passed, the storm of this war gradually subsided. The disciples of the Seven Kills Sect continued to practice under the guidance of the sect elder. Among these three thousand disciples, thirty of them killed more than ten enemies who had come in the previous battle, so these disciples were also directly promoted to inner disciples.

These newly promoted inner disciples have some of their own martial arts talents that are not very good, but their combat effectiveness is absolutely beyond doubt. In this battle, Bai Qing and Tie Zheng also became inner disciples again. After this life and death battle, the two have grown a lot. At this time, there was also good news, that is, the original treasure house and Cangshu Pavilion of the Seven Killing Sect were divided into Outer Treasure House and Cangshu Pavilion.

As long as you killed an incoming enemy in the previous battle, you can choose any treasure or any classic in the outer treasure house. This sudden news made many disciples excited, and everyone happily went to the outer treasure house. These surviving disciples have more or less won in the previous battles, and now they can enter the treasure house of the sect to select treasures, and everyone is naturally very excited.

And those inner disciples can enter the inner door treasure house to select treasures. Tang Ao naturally brought out the treasures in the inner treasure house. After these disciples entered the inner treasure house, they were immediately dazzled by the dazzling array of treasures. Because the things in the outer treasure house are inestimable compared with the inner treasure house.

It's just that there are three floors in the inner door treasure house. They can only choose the treasure house on the first floor this time, and they can only go up and visit the second and third floors. But everyone still saw the legendary fairy tools, the fairy-level exercises, and some legendary treasures. This made the disciples secretly determined to do more sect missions and strive to obtain the second or even third-tier treasures as soon as possible.

Some disciples also discovered that in the past few days, none of the elders they used to see in the past have been seen. The reason why they couldn't see these elders was because all the elders of the Seven Kill Sect had been summoned by Tang Ao. And Tang Ao's reason for calling these people was naturally to teach them the unique knowledge of the Seven Kills Sect and the Holy Way of the Seven Kills.

"Senior brothers and sisters, you have also seen the Holy Path of Seven Kills performed by Brother Dongxuanye before, and you saw the Holy Path of Seven Kills I used just now. Now you should understand that the Holy Path of Seven Kills is not a fixed way. Formal exercises, but based on one's own conditions, evolve new martial arts training methods."

"So, after you have cultivated the Mind Fa, the following things can be deduced on your own according to your own conditions, and there is no need to practice in a fixed form. Okay, now you start practicing separately, if you don’t understand anything, you can always Ask me." After saying this, Tang Ao left here and headed to the island in the lake where the elder Fengya had practiced in seclusion.

This place is located deep in the back mountain of the Seven Killing Sect, and the heaven and earth aura in it is not very strong. From a distance, Tang Ao saw a large natural lake, and there was indeed an island in the lake. Tang Ao moved on to Huxin Island. According to the words before the elder Fengya Taishang, in the center of this small island, there is a teleportation disk connecting Zhenwu world.

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