Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2015: Bahuang Jianqi

Under Tang Ao's knowledge, Jing Wushang and the others quickly cultivated into the first level of the Seven Kills. Just like what Tang Ao said, there is no fixed form in the Seven Kills Path at all. In recent years, they have not cultivated into the Seven Kills Path. It is not because they have insufficient understanding, nor is it that the Seven Kills Path is too difficult to cultivate. It was from the beginning that there was a problem with the direction of their cultivation.

The Holy Way of the Seven Kills was left by the founder of the Seven Kills Sect, and the cultivation method in it was only left by the ancestors for their younger generations to refer to. It's just that they didn't understand this. The generations of disciples of the Seven Killing Sect were completely practicing according to the script. It is also because of this that there are fewer and fewer disciples of the Seven Killing Sect who can cultivate into the Seven Killing Path. In their generation, Tang Ao and Dong Xuanye were the only ones in the Seven Kills Sect who had cultivated the Holy Way of the Seven Kills.

After refining the first layer of the Seven Kills, several people went to look for Tang Ao. Then they saw Tang Ao sitting next to the formation on Huxin Island, surrounded by waves of mysterious waves. At the moment, the few people didn't bother Tang Ao, so they left quietly. They had already seen before that Tang Ao's Seven Kills Holy Path had been cultivated to the third level, and now you don't need to think too much about it. At this moment, Tang Ao must be attacking the fourth layer of the Seven Kills Path.

Tang Ao had already swung countless swords in the sea of ​​consciousness. This feeling of desolation and loneliness has become clearer and clearer, but Tang Ao felt that there was still something lacking, which made the Fourth Sword lagging behind. If Tang Ao is willing, he can also display the fourth sword at this moment. But Tang Ao always felt that the fourth sword deduced in this way was not perfect.

Under Tang Ao's eager confusion, the spiritual power in his body even began to riot. This is a precursor to becoming confused. Even if Tang Ao possesses the jade body of the Nine Dragon Emperor, in such a completely immersed deduction, he is in danger of becoming confused. Fortunately, at this time, a feeling of coolness and warmth flowed through Tang Ao's body. This was naturally the spiritual power of the jade bone's vitality soul that smoothed and calmed Tang Ao's body roar.


A place very close to the Xuanhuang Continent was a plane called the Midnight Continent. "Boom" With a terrifying explosion, the sky's Tiangang Stone flew around. Tiangang stone is a kind of first-grade immortal material. When making low-level immortal artifacts, many refiners will use this kind of immortal material that is easy to plastic but has an extremely hard texture.

At this moment, the steel stones in front of Dongxuanye were artificially built into large iron gates. After exploring the Midnight Continent for so long, Dong Xuanye knew that this place had the only teleportation formation on the entire Midnight Continent that connected to the Xuanhuang Continent. If Dong Xuan Ye understands the formation, then he can open the outer shield and directly use the teleportation formation inside to return to the Xuanhuang Continent.

But it is a pity that Dong Xuan Ye is only obsessed with martial arts, and knows nothing about fighting Dao. Therefore, Dong Xuan Ye could only use brute force to smash through the gates made of Tiangangshi. Dong Xuanye used his soul to explore, and there were ninety-nine Tiangang stone gates behind it. At his current pace, one year will be able to penetrate a channel.

Today, Dong Xuan Ye has the cultivation base of the ninth level of the life and death realm, and can break through the star realm at any time. What made Dong Xuanye helpless was that the rules of heaven and earth in the Midnight Continent were lower than those in the Xuanhuang Continent. In this place, the nine-layer peak of the life and death realm was already the ultimate. Ever since Dongxuanye was suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth when he hit the star realm, he no longer dared to hit the star realm here, instead he wanted to be able to suppress his own cultivation.

Another palm pushed out, and under Dong Xuan Ye's palm, the entire cave mansion trembled, as if it was about to collapse at any time. But Dong Xuanye knew that this cave mansion could not collapse. It has been like this since the first day he used brute force to bombard the Tiangangshi gate.


On the island in the lake, Tang Ao has been sitting here for three months. During these three months, Tang Ao has been deducing the fourth sword of the Seven Kills, but until now, Tang Ao still has not deduced the fourth sword. After the Jiulong Emperor's jade body continuously absorbed and refined the spiritual energy of the surrounding world, Tang Ao's cultivation base went from the pinnacle of the seventh level of life and death to the eighth level of life and death. It was just that Tang Ao was completely immersed in the deduction of the Fourth Sword, and Tang Ao was unaware of the breakthrough in his cultivation.

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