Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2021: Gorgeous counterattack

But in fact, the most correct thing at this time is not to give it a go, because when the form is obviously not good for him, Chu Xuan can say that there is no chance of winning in such a battle. Tang Ao was right. As expected, everyone soon saw that Tie Zheng had grasped Chu Xuan's flaw, and then he forced Chu Xuan off the duel stage with a sudden blow.

At this moment, the crowd was in an uproar. In just half a year, this Tie Zheng, who had been extremely diligent but had been unknown in the Seven Kills Sect, finally completed his gorgeous counterattack. The previous Tie Zheng was not the weakest in the inner sect of the Seven Killing Sect, but it was definitely not the strongest. But at this moment, Tie Zheng had defeated Chu Xuan, one of the two geniuses of the Seven Kill Sect.

Seeing this scene, under the duel stage, the hearts of those disciples who are not very talented in martial arts were surging. Whoever says that martial arts talent can decide everything, whoever says that martial artists with bad martial arts talents are destined to not go long in martial arts. At this moment, Tie Zheng slapped these people severely on the face with the long sword in his hand.

"Brother Chu Xuan, thank you for your time to practice moves with me. If you are not too familiar with your moves, I will certainly not be your opponent." Unlike everyone in the duel stage imagined, Tie Zheng was defeating After that, Chu Xuan was not complacent, but immediately bowed and bowed, and bowed to Chu Xuan.

Chu Xuan smiled very refreshingly: "Where to speak, Junior Brother Tie Zheng, you are familiar with my moves, and I am also familiar with yours. And you and I are learning from each other and making progress together."

All these elders including Tang Ao and Jing Wu were all in their eyes. After hearing the conversation between them, Tang Ao's face showed a smile. In fact, Tang Ao was very dissatisfied with the cultivation of the top ten disciples of the Seven Kills Sect in the Dragon and Phoenix Rankings. You must know that when they participated in the battle for the dragon and phoenix rankings, they already had the cultivation base of the ninth-level peak of the Yuan Wu realm.

And now Tie Zheng and Chu Xuan, as the strongest cultivation base among the disciples, only have the cultivation base of the sixth level of Yuan Wu realm. Tie Zheng started late, and it is excusable. Chu Xuan's own martial arts talents are extremely high. The reason why he has such a cultivation level now is that he lacks training in the previous sect because of insufficient supply of cultivation resources.

The mountains around the Seven Killing Sect are very rich places, and various monsters and spiritual materials are inexhaustible. It's just that the disciples of the Seven Kill Sects before did not have the consciousness of going out to practice. All the training resources were basically waiting for the family's supplies and the sect to issue. It was also because their cultivation base was so much inferior to those strong in the Dragon and Phoenix rankings of Tang Ao back then.

Not only the cultivation base, but the combat experience of these disciples is not very rich. There are still three months left before the Xuanhuang Conference of the Profound Sky City. Tang Ao decided to take these disciples to the Black Cloud Mountain Range not far from the Seven Killing Sect during these three months. After the battle between Chu Xuan and Tie Zheng, the elders including Tang Ao and Jing Wu also appeared one after another.

After seeing Tang Ao, all the disciples were very excited. Due to the special reason of the cultivation technique, Tang Ao at this moment didn't seem to need these disciples how old they were. It looked like Brother Xiang, who didn't seem to be an elder who was a generation older. The excitement of these disciples was naturally not because Tang Ao looked young. It is the worship of the strong, in the martial arts world, the strong is respected.

Tang Ao's strength has been recognized by everyone. On that day, Tang Ao's style of seven top masters fighting the seven forces alone, many disciples are still fresh in their memories, as if they are vividly visible. After Tang Ao took the stage, he raised his hand and motioned everyone to calm down. Seeing Tang Ao's movements, the excitement in the hearts of all the disciples slowly calmed down, listening carefully to the Sect Master's speech.

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