Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2023: Flame Demon Wolf

There was no word for a night, and the top 20 disciples of the Dragon and Phoenix Rankings had all assembled on the Seven Kills Zong Performing Dojo early the next morning. Although knowing that this trip was extremely dangerous, everyone still wanted to try it. A group of disciples at the bottom of the dojo looked at these people with envy, Tang Ao waved his hand, and a flying spirit boat measuring twenty feet long appeared in front of everyone.

This flying spirit boat is extremely spacious and magnificent. Not to mention that these young disciples of the Seven Kills Sect, the elders like Jing Wu, have never seen such a majestic flying spirit boat. The elder Feng Ya Taishang also had a flying spirit boat back then, and that flying spirit boat was still in Jiang Zhuliu's hands at the moment.

But even the flying spirit boat of the elder Fengya Taishang was still inferior to the flying spirit boat that Tang Ao took out now. This is because Tang Ao scoured the treasure house of Da Meng Dao Zun when he was in the Fei Xing Continent. In fact, there are many such flying spirit boats in Tang Ao's chaotic six-pointed mirror.

Tang Ao had even a more majestic flying spirit boat than this flying spirit boat. But Tang Ao felt that using those flying spirit boats was too ostentatious, so Tang Ao chose this very ordinary flying spirit boat. It's just that Tang Ao didn't know that this flying spirit boat, which seemed to him very ordinary, already existed like a fairy in the eyes of the disciples of the Seven Killers.

With excitement, the top 20 disciples of the Dragon and Phoenix Rankings stepped onto this spirit boat. After everyone had boarded the spirit boat, Tang Ao pinched a magic trick in his hand, and then the spirit boat suddenly shook, immediately soaring into the sky, and quickly disappeared from the eyes of the Seven Killers, heading towards the Black Cloud Mountain Range. The Black Cloud Mountain Range is thousands of miles away from the Seven Killing Sect. If these disciples are allowed to go by themselves, it will be absolutely impossible to reach within a few months.

But after taking the flying spirit boat, within half an hour, the Heiyun Mountain Range appeared in front of everyone. Compared with the Seven Kill Mountain Range near the Seven Kill Sect, the trees in the Black Cloud Mountain Range are more verdant and taller. And now everyone just heard the roar of beasts one after another just above the Black Cloud Mountain Range.

You don't need to think about it, how many monsters there are in the Black Cloud Mountain Range. When everyone looked down, a huge demon wolf about thirty feet high suddenly roared, and immediately flew towards the flying spirit boat where everyone was riding. This demon wolf is covered in flames, and the aura on his body is also extremely terrifying to the level of seven layers of life and death.

Although Tang Ao was also on the flying spirit boat at this moment, the faces of many disciples of the Seven Kill Sect changed drastically when they saw such a terrifying monster beast. A few timid disciples collapsed directly on the deck in shock, shaking all over. Obviously it was the first time I saw such a terrifying monster after practicing for so long.

But at this moment, all the disciples just saw Tang Ao's figure show off and went straight away. Then Tang Ao's figure appeared in front of the giant wolf demon, and the blue light flickered behind Tang Ao, and the sword soul of Qinglian was summoned instantly. The seven green lotus swords suddenly shook in the air, and immediately turned into seven brilliant sword lights and headed towards the wolf monster.

Suddenly, a series of terrifying sword qi attacks came out. The entire space was covered by this solemn sword intent, with an invincible spirit, the moment the green lotus sword touched the giant wolf monster, it penetrated the wolf monster's body in an instant. In the eyes of all the disciples, only seven cyan streamers were seen passing through the huge body of the wolf demon. But in fact, just in this moment, thousands of sword auras have been raging in the wolf monster.

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