Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2030: Scary lava

In Tang Ao's impression, the Heiyan volcano has existed in the Xuanhuang Continent for a very long time. In the memory of Emperor Ming Emperor, Tang Ao saw the shadow of Heiyan Volcano, so the existence of Heiyan Volcano can even be traced back to the period when the Xuanhuang Continent was the Xuanhuang World. If there is no good thing hidden in such a long and ancient existence, Tang Ao would absolutely not believe it.

As Tang Ao continued to deepen, Tang Ao also saw the surrounding flame-swallowing beasts become more powerful, and in the low magma, Tang Ao also saw a lot of deposited rock crystals, these rock crystals are old and of very good quality. Without any hesitation, Tang Ao directly rolled up the lava crystals with low magma.

But as expected by Tang Ao, things really won't be that easy. Because when Tang Ao's spiritual power was about to roll the lava crystals out of the magma pool, a crimson tentacles suddenly appeared deep in the bottom of the magma pool. The scarlet tentacles directly swept the rock crystals down, and then bombarded Tang Ao unabated.

Tang Aotian Ji pupil opened his eyes instantly and looked under the magma pool. This kind of monster beast with scarlet tentacles would definitely not be the Flame Devouring Beast, but something strange. Sure enough, under the pupil of the celestial pole, Tang Ao immediately saw a huge octopus that was thirty feet tall. This octopus had thousands of tentacles like just now.

Each tentacle was burning with raging flames, and the aura of this octopus shocked Tang Ao's heart. Because this octopus had the strength of the ninth-layer peak of the Star Pole Realm, it was just that this octopus was still asleep at the moment, and the attack on Tang Ao was just an unconscious behavior.

And Tang Ao observed that at the bottom of this magma pool, there were many crystal clear crystals. Compared with these lava crystals, the lava crystals Tang Ao had just obtained, as well as the lava crystals obtained by Xiao Yan and Xue Wing Civet, were simply rubbish. It's just that it's not easy to get these lava crystals. Apart from anything else, this lava octopus is not so easy to deal with.

Moreover, this was still a sleeping lava octopus. At this time, the savings of the lava octopus were also bombarding Tang Ao's chest in an instant. A white light flashed in Tang Ao's hand, and the Demon Slashing Axe came out instantly. Without any hesitation, Tang Ao directly chopped down with an axe. Under Tang Aoli's axe that struck Huashan, the tentacles of the lava octopus were also cut off instantly by Tang Ao.

The severed tentacles fell directly into the magma pool, and were subsequently incinerated into nothingness by the flames. Then Tang Ao saw that the essence in the tentacles had returned to the lava octopus once again following the hot lava. At the same time, the tentacles cut off by Tang Ao just now grew back. But even so, this huge lava octopus still shows no signs of awakening.

Seeing this, Tang Ao felt relieved. This big octopus will obviously not be able to wake up for a while, but the lava crystals in the lower magma pool can be seen by it, and it is not easy to get these crystals. At this time, Tang Ao saw a flame-swallowing beast swimming near the lava octopus, and then one of the tentacles of the lava octopus instantly stretched out. After piercing the flame-swallowing beast, it directly rolled its rock crystals aside and piled it up.

Tang Ao frowned secretly, looking at the situation, it was impossible to get lava crystals. And the tentacles of the lava octopus are also very powerful. Although the tentacles were cut off by Tang Ao with an axe just now, there are still thousands of lava octopuses like that. And Tang Ao was able to chop off all these tentacles, and Tang Ao didn't have the guts to do that.

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