Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2040: Glazed Flame Amber Gets

As long as Tang Aoyi released his soul thoughts, he had to face the burning of these flames. And under the suppression of this flame, after Tang Ao controlled the Demon Slashing Axe to fly a hundred steps away, Tang Ao's soul thought was already powerless to let the Demon Slashing Axe move forward. Even after reaching a distance of a hundred steps, Tang Ao already felt that the connection between his soul thought and Demon Slashing Axe seemed to be broken.

At this time, Tang Ao didn't dare to hesitate any more, and he took the Demon Slashing Axe back very decisively. Otherwise, the Glazed Flame Amber would not be obtained by then, and he would lose the Demon Slashing Axe again. Big. After retracting the Demon Slashing Axe, Tang Ao didn't have any temper as he looked at Liuyan Amber in front of him.

At this time, Tang Ao could also realize how desperate Yang Tianxian was when he saw Glazed Flame Amber but couldn't take it away. Suddenly, Tang Ao's eyes lit up. After doing it for a long time, he even forgot Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan is a form of the original aura of the innate fire, although the strength is weaker, but these flames should be no more than Xiao Yan is.

Thinking of this, after Tang Ao asked, he called Xiao Yan out of the chaotic six-gray mirror. Feeling the terrifying high temperature around, Xiao Yan immediately yelled excitedly. Tang Ao quickly patted Xiao Yan's head, and then asked, "Can you bring that stone to me?" Tang Ao said, and pointed towards Liuyan Amber.

Tang Ao didn't point out, Xiao Yan hadn't found Glazed Flame Amber yet. Now Tang Ao reminded that Xiao Yan's small eyes suddenly lit up. Looking at Liuyan Amber, his eyes were full of small stars. Seeing this scene, Tang Ao immediately understood the little guy’s thoughts. At the moment, Tang Ao quickly grabbed Xiao Yan and said, “This piece of glazed flame amber is very important to me. I can’t give it to you. You can bring it for me. In the future, I will give you more fire-attribute spirit materials to eat."

With Tang Ao for so long, Xiao Yan could naturally understand Tang Ao's words. After hearing Tang Ao say this, Xiao Yan immediately shrugged his head, and walked towards Liuyan Amber with his head down in despair. Seeing that Xiao Yan was completely unaffected in this space, Tang Ao was also very satisfied.

In this space, Tang Ao's actions were restricted everywhere, but as Xiao Yan who was transformed into the original aura of the innate fire, it was like a fish in water here. Tang Ao kept looking at Xiao Yan, if there was something wrong, Tang Ao would immediately pull Xiao Yan back into the chaotic six-lighted mirror space. But Tang Ao soon discovered that his worries were really unnecessary.

Because Xiao Yan trot all the way directly to the front of Liuyan Amber, and then with his little hands in the depths, he easily picked up Liuyan Amber. Tang Ao noticed that the reason why there was such a terrifying high temperature in this cave was because of the radiant amber. But at the moment Xiao Yan held the Glazed Flame Amber in his hand, and he was not even affected at all.

Tang Ao knew that if someone else was able to obtain this glazed flame amber even if they were strong, they would probably not be able to smoothly take this glazed flame amber away. Because the temperature of this piece of Glazed Flame Amber is too terrifying, the horror storage ring placed in the storage ring will immediately be incinerated into nothingness. But Tang Ao was different. Tang Ao possessed the chaotic six-pointed mirror space, and could easily take away this piece of glazed flame amber.

No matter how high the temperature of the glaze flame amber is, it is nonsense to melt the chaotic six-pointed mirror. Tang Ao felt that, not to mention that it was just a mere glazed amber, even if the chaotic six-pointed mirror was burned in the Ninth-Rank Immortal Fire, there would probably be no problem. Xiao Yan quickly came back holding Liuyan Amber, but before it came close, Tang Ao hurriedly stopped it.

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