Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2045: reason of failure

This feeling was very uncomfortable, just like when Tang Ao found Glazed Flame Amber, Ming Ao was only 800 meters away from Tang Ao, but Tang Ao just couldn't get Glazed Flame Amber.

But now, Tang Ao's situation is even more depressed than it was at the beginning. At this moment, Tang Ao felt that he was only one step away from Liuyan Amber, but this one step away, no matter how hard Tang Ao worked, Tang Ao could never cross the past!

As long as you pass this step, you can easily refine the formation flag of the first-grade immortal formation in the future, but if this step is still unable to penetrate, then even if Tang Ao refines more formation flags, it is impossible to refine the formation of the first-grade immortal formation. flag.

"Huh~" Tang Ao took a deep breath, and then carefully recalled Yun Xiaoyao's description of the First Grade Immortal Formation Master in his mind. What made Tang Ao very helpless was that Yun Xiaoyao's lineage inheritance could be said to be very complete, but the information on this part was rarely blank.

Tang Ao knew that this was definitely not Yun Xiaoyao's negligence. Just like his advanced First-Rank Immortal Alchemy Master, there are some things, it seems that he really needs to have a certain level of perception before it can happen.

"What is it?" Tang Ao frowned, thinking hard, but he didn't have any clues in his heart. Just as Tang Ao was thinking secretly in his heart, the token in Tang Ao's storage ring flickered twice again. Obviously the disciples who had another trial were in danger, although the advanced first-grade immortal formation master was very important to Tang Ao, and now Tang Ao was only close to the first-grade immortal formation master.

However, since the disciples of the Seven Kills Trial were in danger, Tang Ao, as the Sect Master, could not sit idly by. Without any hesitation, Tang Ao's figure instantly rushed out of the protective formation, and then swept away his incomparable soul and immediately flew in one direction. This time, it was a female disciple who was in danger. Tang Ao remembered that this female disciple seemed to be Xu Mo. The practice method was very special, and it was a very rare Confucian practice.

After determining the location of Xu Mo, Tang Ao stretched out and appeared in the sky above Xu Mo a moment later. Immediately, Tang Ao saw that a talisman in Xu Mo's hand was tapped one after another, and it was directly painted in the void! And behind Xu Mo, there was a comatose disciple of the Seven Kills Sect. Tang Ao, who was comatose, only knew his name. This disciple was named Li Wenshu. As for the others, he had no impression.

However, Tang Ao could see that this person and Xu Mo were obviously partners, because in Li Wenshu's hand, he held a talisman pen exactly like the one used by Xu Mo. The two talisman pens are obviously one. Correct. It's just that at this moment Li Wenshu's injury is extremely serious, and Xu Mo's injury is not light. If Tang Ao comes one step later, Xu Mo and Li Wangshu will be a delicious meal for these black scale beasts.

The strength of these black scale beasts is actually not very strong, only the cultivation base of the eight or nine layers of Yuan Wu realm. If it were Tang Ao or Dong Xuanye who were here, even if only Xu Mo and Li Wangshu had the same cultivation level, they would be able to beat these black scale beasts to the ground. However, Tang Ao said before that the disciples of this session of the Seven Kills Sect were too short of experience, poor combat experience, and poor combat awareness.

Therefore, under the joint efforts of Xu Mo and Li Wenshu, after only killing two black scale beasts, Li Wenshu was seriously injured and fell to the ground. At the same time, Xu Mo was also surrounded by six black scale beasts and fell into danger.

When Tang Ao came to the sky above Xu Mo, a black scale beast flew off behind Xu Mo, as if he was about to throw Xu Mo down, and then snapped Xu Mo's neck in one bite. Feeling the chill coming from behind, Xu Mo immediately turned his head. Then Xu Mo saw that a black scale beast was flying towards her. At this moment, it was too late for her to dodge.

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