Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2052: Jiang Yuan falls

Until his death, Jiang Yuan didn't understand why there were such powerful fairy tools in this world. Similarly, Jiang Yuan didn't understand why Tang Ao could kill him so easily, why would he let him run back to the Blood Demon Sect. With too many doubts, Jiang Yuan completely disappeared between the world. Being killed by Xuantian Arrow Town, Jiang Yuan's soul was shattered, and there was no chance of reincarnation.

"Bang!" At this moment, an incomparable spiritual power from the depths of the Blood Demon Sect suddenly rose to the sky. When this spiritual power spread, the mountains and forests around the Blood Demon Sect roared wildly, and the nearby monsters It was scared to crawl on the ground, afraid to move.

"Who is presumptuous in my Blood Demon Sect!" Then a blood red figure rose into the sky, and after a short while, it appeared opposite Tang Ao.

"Tang Ao, the lord of the Seven Kills Sect, today is in a good mood. I will not be far away to send you blood demon sect monsters on the road." Tang Ao knew that the thin old man covered in blood mist must be the blood demon in Jiang Yuan Ancestors. Jiang Yuan was right. The blood demon ancestor was indeed the cultivation base of the ninth-level peak of the life and death realm. Such cultivation bases are already considered top powerhouses on the Xuanhuang Continent today.

Moreover, Tang Ao also felt that the spiritual power in this blood mist ancestor was extremely pure, and his blood was also surging. I am afraid that ordinary warriors at the first level of the star realm may not be the opponent of the blood demon ancestor.

Sure enough, the blood demon ancestor immediately laughed presumptuously after hearing Tang Ao's words. "The old man has lived for tens of thousands of years, and this is the first time I have met a brazen junior like you, no matter what, the old man will let you know what it means to be someone outside, there are heaven outside!"

When the blood demon ancestor spoke, he raised his hand and a sea of ​​blood appeared around Tang Ao. There was a faint tendency to completely envelop Tang Ao. With such a method, the average life and death martial artist would definitely be frightened by the blood demon ancestor, but Tang Ao was not afraid. Because the blood demon ancestor's move is completely imitating the attack of the star realm warrior, it seems to be infinitely powerful, but in fact it can only bluff people.

Without any nonsense, Tang Ao directly pulled the Yuanshi Shengtian bow in his hand. Then Tang Ao's gesture changed, and the original Xuantian arrow immediately became nine. After pulling the bowstring to the limit, Tang Ao suddenly backhanded. In an instant, an aura of destruction swept out from the Yuanshi Holy Sky Bow, and the surrounding blood sea churned under this powerful aura.

The nine Xuantian arrows shot by Tang Ao were like nine comets sweeping across the sky, piercing the sky directly towards the blood demon ancestor. The blood demon ancestor pushed with both hands, and the strong spiritual power swept out instantly. Then a high wall of blood condensed appeared in front of the blood demon ancestor.

But when Xuantian's arrow hit the **** high wall, Xuantian Arrow directly destroyed the **** high wall and smashed the **** high wall every inch, and then crushed it toward the Gorefiend ancestor with unabated momentum. The blood demon ancestor was directly caught off guard by Tang Ao. Although he tried his best to dodge, he was still shot by Tang Ao.

With just one arrow, an arm of the blood demon ancestor was smashed by Xuantian Arrow. The Xuantian arrows that were captured by the blood demon ancestors directly blasted on the blood demon sect guardian array. This protective formation was already a top-level spiritual formation, but in front of Xuantian Arrow, it was like paper, and it was shattered by Xuantian Arrow in an instant, and then the sect hall of the Blood Demon Sect was instantly ruined.

Tang Ao secretly said that it is not good, because in the hall of the blood demon sect, in addition to the disciples of the blood demon sect, there are also many half-dead people who have been tortured by the blood demon sect warriors, just facing the blood demon ancestors. Tang Ao didn't dare to keep his hands. Therefore, Tang Ao's attack, these people were all killed by the aftermath of Xuantian Arrow.

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