Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2059: Secret of the Banner

Before long, the gate of the Seven Kill Sect appeared in front of Tang Ao. Tang Ao's spiritual power scrolled, controlling the flying spirit boat to slowly land on the Zongmen's performance dojo. When Tang Ao and a group of disciples who went out for the trial returned, the elders of the sect like Jing Wu had naturally arranged the disciples to welcome the return of the lord.

"Brother Tang Ao, your method is really good. Now these little guys have indeed become more aggressive." After Tang Ao put away the flying spirit boat, Jing Wushang immediately said.

"Yeah." Tang Ao nodded, and then asked: "Did there be any problems in the sect during this time?"

"Everything in the sect was normal during this period, and the seven major forces did not have any unusual actions." After Tang Ao asked, Jiang Zhuliu immediately said. When Tang Ao left, Jiang Zhuliu was basically taking care of these sect affairs.

"That's all right, Brother Dongxuanye still has no news?" While Tang Ao took all his disciples out for the trial, Tang Ao also asked Jiang Zhuliu to find Dongxuanye's whereabouts.

But after seeing Jiang Zhuliu's sad expression, Tang Ao knew that Dongxuanye still hadn't found it. However, unlike Jiang Zhuliu and others, Tang Ao was not very worried about Dongxuanye. Yidong Xuanye's strength, although he didn't know where he was at the moment, he would definitely live well. However, Tang Ao was completely wrong this time, because at this moment Dong Xuan Ye was still competing with Tian Gang Shi.

"In the past few days, I will re-arrange the guardian formation of the sect. Three days later, I, Keqing elder Jiang Shou and elder Jing Wushang will take five inner disciples to Xuantian City to participate in the Xuanhuang Conference. You can find me at the Sect Master's Hall at any time." After Tang Ao finished speaking, he also left the dojo.

This time arranging a guardian formation for the Seven Killing Sect, Tang Ao wanted to arrange a first-grade immortal formation. But up to now, Tang Ao still has a problem that needs to be solved when he arranges the first-rank immortal formation, that is, Tang Ao is still unable to refine the first-rank immortal formation flag. After returning to the Sect Master's Hall, Tang Ao immediately went to the Sect Master's training room and began to refine the reason for the failure of the formation flag.

Tang Ao didn't continue to check the abandoned formation flags, but took out a set of formation flags obtained in Da Meng Dao Zun's Dao Palace and began to check. This array flag is the array flag collected by Dameng Dao Zun, and its grade is also terrifyingly high, reaching the level of the seventh stage immortal array. If in the end Tang Ao couldn't refine the formation flag of the first-grade immortal formation, then Tang Ao could only use this precious array flag.

Just using this array flag in this place is too wasteful. And with Tang Ao's current ability, even if he had a seventh-rank immortal formation flag, Tang Ao could only arrange a first-rank immortal formation. After the soul thought penetrated, Tang Ao's soul thought was sensed in the formation flag. Tang Ao's soul thought slowly wandered along the trajectory of the inscription formations in the formation flag, and then Tang Ao discovered that, except for the extremely high level, these inscription formations were no different from the inscription formations he had carved.

However, when Tang Ao didn't understand, the inscriptions he painted on his own had a conflict of spiritual power, which led to the destruction of the flags, but the inscriptions in these flags were perfectly combined. This question made Tang Ao very confused. However, after observing the set of flags, Tang Ao soon discovered that it was wrong.

That is, in this set of array flags, in addition to the inscription array, there is a mysterious thing, this kind of thing is a bit like the rules between heaven and earth. The rules of heaven and earth! Thinking of this, Tang Ao immediately lifted his spirits, and at the same time, Tang Ao also understood what was missing in the inscription array he had painted. The inscription array that I engraved by myself is a combination of various mysterious lines and runes as required.

However, because Tang Ao did not incorporate the rules of heaven and earth he had comprehended, the inscription array that Tang Ao engraved was always stagnant. When a pool of stagnant water was under heavy rain, the water in the pool naturally had nowhere to vent, which caused the flag to be destroyed. Therefore, the reason for Tang Ao's failure in refining the First-Rank Immortal Formation Flag was not a conflict of spiritual power, but because his understanding of the First-Rank Immortal Formation was not thorough enough.

After understanding this, the next thing is very simple. Sure enough, when Tang Ao refined the formation flag to engrave the inscription formation, he integrated his understanding of the rules of heaven and earth. Although the subsequent formation flags were of different grades, they could barely be used for formation. And after Tang Ao gradually became familiar with the rules of heaven and earth that he had understood into the formation flag, the quality of the formation flag that Tang Ao refined became better and better.

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