Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2062: Arrange the guardian formation

"Senior brother said very much." Jiang Zhuliu nodded, and then asked: "What is the matter with the brother coming to see me?"

"I want to rearrange the guardian formation of the Seven Killers. After the arrangement, I will teach you how to control it." Tang Ao said very easily, but Jiang Zhuliu's expression was surprised.

"Senior Brother Tang Ao, although the Seven Killing Sect's current guardian formation is broken, it is the sixth-rank peak spirit formation. Looking at the entire Xuanhuang Continent, it is probably the strongest formation. Senior brother really wants to replace the guardian formation?" Jiang Zhuliu assisted in cultivating formations, and his understanding of spirit formations was far beyond the reach of the warriors of the Seven Killing Sect.

"Yes, the rank of this formation is too low. I am going to set up a first-rank immortal rank formation this time. Let's go." Tang Ao didn't seem to see Jiang Zhuliu's shocked expression. After saying a word, he took Jiang Zhuliu with him. Go outside the sect.

At this moment, Jiang Zhuliu's heart was no longer as simple as shock. Jiang Zhuliu also looked at the jade slips left by Tang Ao, so Jiang Zhuliu also knew that there was a fairy formation above the spirit formation. But what Jiang Zhuliu didn't expect was that Tang Ao's martial arts cultivation was terrifying and domineering, and Tang Ao's attainments in formation were also terrifying.

Tang Ao said that he wanted to set up a first-rank immortal formation, so needless to say, at this moment Tang Ao must already be a first-rank immortal formation master. If the guardian formation of the sect is a first-grade immortal formation, then the Seven Killing Sect will be safe in the future. The first-class immortal formation, the martial artist of life and death is absolutely unable to break through. And now on the Xuanhuang Continent, the strongest is only a martial artist in the life and death realm.

Of course, Jiang Zhuliu didn't know that the Keqing elder Jiang Shou who came back with Tang Ao was already the cultivation base of the second floor of the Star Realm. Soon, Jiang Zhuliu followed Tang Ao to the outside of the Zongmen, and then Jiang Zhuliu saw Tang Ao flying directly into the sky, and then a series of handprints were printed. After Tang Ao printed these handprints, the original guardian formation of the Seven Kill Sect also slowly emerged.

Immediately, Tang Ao pointed out, the original large formation instantly split a gap. With Tang Ao's current formation level, there is no problem in reclaiming the original big formation. It's just that Tang Ao felt that the original big sect was too broken, so Tang Ao directly shot it to pieces. At the moment Tang Ao ripped the guardian formation, countless disciples of the Seven Kill Sect also looked over their heads in horror.

Fortunately, Jiang Zhuliu's voice came over at this time: "All the disciples are relieved to practice immediately. This is Sect Master Tang Ao replacing my Seventh Kill Sect's guardian formation. From now on, the Seventh Killing Sect's guardian formation will be a first-grade immortal. The existence of the formation, even the strongest Heavenly Star Saint Sect and Xiahou Family in the Xuanhuang Continent, does not have this level of formation."

As Jiang Zhuliu's voice fell, many disciples were also excited. Especially those disciples who knew better about Battle Dao, were more excited to introduce to their surrounding companions what is Yipin Immortal Formation. Although they don’t have a deep understanding of the First Grade Immortal Formation, everyone also knows one thing, that is, the Seven Killing Sect will become very safe in the future, even if there are many forces besieging the Seven Killing Sect, the guardian of the Seven Killing Sect The formation cannot be broken either.

It's just that they didn't know that the guardian formation arranged by Tang Ao was not that simple. In other words, the defensive formation is only part of it. The formation Tang Ao set up this time consists of three parts, and one part is naturally the outermost defensive formation. Then there is a powerful and overbearing thunder-striking array, and finally a first-grade fairy-level spirit gathering array!

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