Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2064: Go to Xuantian City

Jing Wushang was surrounded by Tie Zheng and several people, who were all asking Jing Wushang some questions about cultivation, and some skills in battle. Tang Ao didn't dare to say anything else, but several people asked Jing Wushang to ask about fighting skills, which counted as asking the right person. Since Jing Wushang practiced, he has been in the battle of killing for a long time. In the entire Seven Killing Sect, Jing Wushang can be said to be the person with the most combat experience except Tang Ao.

Another very important point is that Jing Wushang's exercises, martial skills, life soul, and secret techniques are all learned in the Seven Killing Sect. Therefore, compared with Tang Ao, Jing Wushang's martial arts and martial arts are more similar to those of Tie Zheng and others. Although Jing Wu taught several people's fighting skills, many of them can be said to be used.

On the way, perhaps I felt the tyrannical aura of the blood demon ancestors, so there was no blind beast attacking the flying spirit boat. Tang Ao didn't deliberately speed up, so he let the flying spirit boat fly to Xuantian City.

Xuantian City is usually very lively. With the holding of the Xuanhuang Conference these days, not only Xuantian City, but even the surrounding area of ​​Xuantian City has become very lively. Although Xuantian City is not under the jurisdiction of any power, the shops and restaurants in Xuantian City have long been controlled by power. However, these forces are only managing matters on their own territory, and will never intervene in other matters in Xuantian City.

The Xuantian Square in the center of Xuantian City, even in the entire Xuanhuang Continent, is definitely the largest square. The performance dojo of the Seven Killing Sect is already large enough, but the Xuantian Square in Xuantian City is full of ten performance dojos of the Seven Killing Sect. At this moment, on Xuantian Square, all forces are coming from all directions.

The first to arrive is naturally the nearest Heavenly Star Saint Sect. And this time the martial artist who came to the Heavenly Star Saint Sect was not a small role at the elder level, this time it was Yan Fengxing, the master of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect. After Yan Fengxing took his seat, the flying spirit boat of the ancient Xiahou family also appeared in the sky above Xuantian Square, and then Yan Fengxing saw that this time Xiahou family’s patron, Xiahoujie, came from the Xiahou family.

After Yan Fengxing and Xia Houjie arrived one after another, the flying spirit boats of Ouyang Family and Murong World appeared above Xuantian Square. Murong World is still the Patriarch of the Murong Family, Murong Zhi, but Murong Zhi at this moment has a lot stronger spiritual power than before. If you investigate carefully, it is not difficult to find that Murong Zhi now has stepped into the first level of the star realm.

"Patriarch Ouyang, I can finally give up this time." Murong Zhi said coldly after seeing Ouyang Changhe from the Ouyang family. In the previous two siege of the Seven Killing Sect, this Ouyang Changhe had always shied away on the grounds of retreat, and the warriors sent by the Ouyang family were just insignificant elders, which made Murongzhi very unhappy.

"Hehe, why should Brother Murong arouse me. If the younger brother can come, even if Brother Murong doesn't say anything, the younger brother will definitely come." Facing Murong Zhi's sarcasm, Ouyang Changhe didn't care.

"The Xiao Family and Lei Family are here too." Just when Murong Zhi was still ridiculing Ouyang Changhe, Ouyang Changhe suddenly said. Murong Zhi looked up, and indeed saw the flying spirit boats of the Xiao family and the Lei family. After the flying spirit boat of the Xiao family and Lei's family, there is also the flying spirit boat of the Tianhua Dragon Pavilion. Obviously these three forces came together.

This time the Xiao family came from Xiao Kuangsheng, the head of the Xiao family, but the Lei family was different. In addition to the arrival of Lei Mang, the contemporary head of the Lei family, even Lei Gu Chu, the Supreme Elder of the Lei family, was beside Lei Mang. You must know that Lei Gu Chu and Feng Ya are almost the same people, and for nearly a thousand years, Lei Gu Chu has not appeared on the Xuanhuang Continent. If it weren't for this time, everyone would even think that Lei Guchu would have fallen.

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