Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2076: Holy Star Sect is out

"Please enlighten me!" Hearing Yan Yan's unceremonious words, Wei Pohu's face was also cold. Wei Pohu is humble, but he is by no means blindly giving in and compromising. When encountering such a bad-spoken guy, Wei Pohu would never mind teaching him a lesson.

"Looking for death!" Yan Yan was furious when he saw that Wei Pohu insisted on doing something with him. In an instant, countless hot stars enveloped the entire dueling stage. This is a special combination of life souls, these life souls are like stars, but they are like hot flames. After Yan Yan released the soul of life, the temperature of the entire duel stage rose several degrees in an instant. After that, Yan Yan's offensive went bombarding Wei Pohu like a storm.

After seeing Yan Yan's style of play, Yan Fengxing frowned. Although such an offensive is fierce, it consumes a lot of spiritual power. And controlling so many life souls at the same time, the soul thoughts are too scattered. Such an attack looks scary, but in fact it is full of flaws. Yan Fengxing couldn't understand how this talented disciple, who was highly respected by the Heavenly Star Saint Sect, could be so stupid.

However, being able to control so many stars and fate souls at the same time, this Yan Yan's Heavenly Star Secret Art has been cultivated to at least the seventh level, and Yan Fengxing breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of this.

On the other side, Tang Ao shook his head. Just now Tang Ao knew that this Yan Yan was definitely not Wei Pohu's opponent. Now that he saw Yan Yan's move, Tang Ao was even more determined that within fifty rounds, this Yan Yan would undoubtedly lose. Even if Wei Pohu resorted to the Holy Way of Seven Kills, it was very likely that the battle would be resolved within ten rounds.

However, Tang Ao felt that now the qualifying match had just begun, and Wei Pohu probably didn't use this kind of hole card. Since only the last disciple of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect was left, most people on Xuantian Square at the moment looked at Yan Yan. The scene everyone looked forward to most was undoubtedly Yan Yan's defeat in Wei Pohu's hands, and then to see how the Heavenly Star Saint Sect ended.

After all, at the Xuanhuang Conference a hundred years ago, the Heavenly Star Saint Sect still existed at the overlord level. Among the top ten warriors of the Xuanhuang Convention, there were three of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect warriors. But who would have thought that a hundred years later, the Heavenly Star Saint Sect would have become like this, and now that the ranking battle has just begun, there is only one warrior of the Heavenly Star Saint Sect left. If this warrior also loses, then there will be a good show.

It's just that as the battle between Yan Yan and Wei Pohu continued, everyone showed disappointment. Although the disciple of the Seven Kills Sect was good, it was impossible to defeat Yan Yan. Because since the two fight, everyone has seen Yan Yan beating Wei Pohu.

"Win!" Then at this moment, Tang Ao in the stands gave a faint smile. Because at this moment, Tang Ao saw that because of Yan Yan's constant high-intensity attacks, there was a slight gap in the spiritual power in his body at this moment.

Although it was only a moment, it was obviously incomparable, because even the souls of life summoned by Yan Yan flickered at this moment. Everyone in the audience can see the problem, but Wei Pohu on the stage has been waiting for this moment. In Yan Yan’s shocked gaze, a cold iron rod’s life spirit appeared behind Wei Pohu. Immediately, Wei Pohu held a stick in both hands and swept the long club in his hands. The life spirit surrounding him was instantly swept away by Wei Pohu. Two ways.

After that, Wei Pohu kept moving, and suddenly jumped, the long stick in his hand also blasted towards Yan Yan. This stick is unstoppable, this stick is unstoppable!

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