Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2260: Wind Blade Kill Array

In the dense forest, Tang Ao and Jin Chen followed Lin Ziping for a long time, and then they came to a place outside the station. Along the way, Lin Ziping only felt that Tang Ao's name was familiar, but Lin Ziping couldn't remember where he had heard it. "Brother Tang Ao, my junior sister was arrested by Hou Yingjie in this resident. Not only my junior sister, but also many women were arrested by Hou Yingjie's group."

"Is there such a thing?" If you just arrested one or two women, you can still think of what Hou Yingjie did to arrest these female warriors, but if Hou Yingjie let people arrest many women to this place, it would be a bit abnormal. .

"Yes, Senior Brother Tang Ao, after my junior sister was arrested, I hid nearby and observed for a long time, and found that every once in a while, young women would be caught in this place." Lin Ziping nodded seriously, He Xiaoxiao After being caught by Hou Yingjie, Lin Ziping has been observing outside the station, trying to rescue him.

But when Lin Ziping felt weak, Hou Yingjie had cultivated to a high strength, and there was a very powerful first-grade immortal formation outside Hou Yingjie's residence. He couldn't even get close to Hou Yingjie's resident, let alone sneak into the resident to save people.

"Brother Tang Ao, there is a very powerful formation outside this station. I can't usually see it, but once activated, it is very powerful. I saw a senior from the third floor of the Star Realm forcibly rushing into this station. When I went, I was killed by the formation outside the station." Speaking of this, Lin Ziping still had a lingering fear.

Because but Lin Ziping was just behind that person, if it wasn't for Lin Ziping's speed to keep up with the martial artist of the third-tier star realm, then there would be no Lin Ziping in the world.

"It's okay." Tang Ao didn't pay attention to Lin Ziping's jealous First Grade Wind Blade Formation. This formation can only be counted as so-so in the first rank formation. It may be useful against warriors who don't understand the formation at all, but if you want to use this formation against Tang Ao, it is completely useless.

Seeing that Tang Ao didn't take this formation to heart, Lin Ziping reminded Tang Ao intentionally, but he swallowed it to his lips. Tang Ao and Jin Chen were able to kill all Wei Hu and his group. It is evident that the two were powerful. As long as there is no major accident, it is a problem for him to save He Xiaoxiao while Tang Ao and Jin Chen drag Hou Yingjie. Not big.

At this moment, another group of warriors came over in the distance, the leader of them had only one eye, and the other eye was wearing a blindfold. Although there is only one one eye, this eye is extremely sharp. Just for a moment, this one-eyed warrior instantly looked in the direction of Tang Ao's trio, and at the same time, the long knife in his hand threw it in the direction of Tang Ao's trio without any hesitation.

Seeing this long knife flying, Tang Ao and Jin Chen didn't react, but Lin Ziping was taken aback, and he flew up as soon as he flew. Seeing here, Tang Ao sighed helplessly. The one-eyed warrior threw a long knife over just to test it. He didn't find anyone here at all.

Sure enough, after Lin Ziping suddenly jumped out, the one-eyed warrior was also taken aback. Then the one-eyed warrior made a move, and his long sword flew back. Tang Ao was completely right. The one-eyed warrior just wielded a knife to test it out. He didn't find the three of Tang Ao at all. If he found out about the three Tang Ao, he would definitely not be so frightened.

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