Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2376: Ask Dao Academy

This young man glanced at Tang Ao in amazement. He came to Xianxu auction to send the items, since he didn't even know the channel for appraising treasure. However, because he could not see Tang Ao’s cultivation base, he said politely: “Any treasure can be sent to the Fairy Market Auction. It’s just that ordinary items like ours can only be processed through the sending window. Sending and shooting procedures."

Having said this, the young man said in a slightly enviable tone: "But if you have some precious items in your hands, you can go to the Appreciation Department and let the Appreciation Master appraise. After the appraisal, you can choose to sell it directly to You can also choose to auction at the Fairy Market, and even if the item fails to sell, the Fairy Market will eventually acquire it. Generally speaking, as long as the treasure can be appraised by the master appraiser, the Fairy Market will give a very suitable price ."

"Thank you for your advice." Tang Ao hugged the young man, and then walked directly to the Appreciation Passage. Tang Ao felt that his belongings were hard to say in other places. They should be considered treasures in the Fairy Ruins. Treasure. Therefore, it is reasonable to go to the Appreciation Office. It was Tang Ao's behavior that directly stunned the young man. The young man deliberately reminded Tang Ao that he needed an identity badge from the Fairy Market Auction to enter the Appreciation Hall. However, Tang Ao had already gone far, and this young man did not dare to make a loud noise here.

When Tang Ao was walking towards Jianbao, a group of young men and women came in the distance. This group of people is of good temperament, and they are all wearing blue mysterious clothes. When they look at the people in the shooting hall, many people have a look of contempt and disdain, as if they are going to be superior, and there are some in the shooting hall. Inferior people are average.

Tang Ao immediately knew who these people were. The scale of the Fairy Ruins auction is unprecedented. In addition to the Fairy Ruins, there is another important reason, that is, there are VIPs from the Langya world visiting the Fairy Ruins. These people want to come as VIPs to visit Xianxu, and looking at their costumes, it seems that they come from a certain force.

Tang Ao glanced twice, then averted his gaze, and walked straight towards the Jianbao passage. After walking in, Tang Ao found that there were two warriors guarding the Jianbao passage. When Tang Ao walked over, one of the black-faced men snorted coldly: "Take out the jade medal for the auction.

"Identity token for the auction?" Tang Ao was stunned. It was the first time that Tang Ao came to the Fairy Market. Tang Ao didn't even know that the Fairy Market had an identity token.

Seeing that Tang Ao didn't even know the identity token, a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of this big man. Just when Tang Ao wanted to ask how to handle Xianxu's identity token, a harsh voice came from behind him.

"Go away." The speaker was a pale youth, and this youth was just one of the group of people Tang Ao saw just now. When seeing this group of people, the warriors behind Tang Ao who wanted to appraise treasures were all flattered and evaded, but Tang Ao turned a blind eye. If this was not the Fairy Market Auction, Song Dongkun would really teach Tang Ao a lesson.

Hearing Song Dongkun's words, a cold light flashed in Tang Ao's eyes. In an instant, Song Dongkun felt a chill enveloped his body. This was not a magic technique, it was a momentum. Just as there was a murderous aura in the warriors who killed too many, and there was evil aura around the warriors who practiced evil arts, at this moment, the endless chill erupted from Tang Ao.

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