Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2486: Ancient Blue Spirit

Whether it is a human race, a blood race, or even a blood servant, they all want such a blood demon. This blood demon also has a name that is different from other blood demon, which is called the spirit blood demon. The blood of the spirit blood demon can be used as the elixir for refining many pill, which can increase the effect of the pill by 10 to 30%. Moreover, the blood of the spirit blood demon is mostly magical, possessing various special abilities.

The blood of some spirit blood demon contains surging vitality and recovery ability, just like the top healing medicine. The blood of some spirit blood demon contains terrifying celestial spirit power, and its effect is comparable to the legendary celestial spirit. The blood demon of the spirit blood demon still has many magical features. After reading the introduction of the spirit blood demon, Tang Ao and Huang Keer both wanted to have their own.

"Brother Tang Ao, let's go catch a spirit blood demon." Huang Keer looked at Tang Ao expectantly, as if as long as Tang Ao agreed to take her to catch the spirit blood demon.

Tang Ao nodded: "Okay, let's clean up the blood servants here first, and get familiar with the blood servants' fighting methods. Then look around for any spiritual blood demon. According to the martial elder, the blood demon With a more pure bloodline power than the blood race, the blood demon's strength is only stronger than the blood race. We have to be careful."

After Tang Ao exhorted Huang Keer a few more words, Tang Ao summoned the Qinglian Sword Soul and entered the blood servant group. These blood servants are like people with teeth and claws, but they have no facial features and are surrounded by blood that gathers but does not disperse. Their attack methods are very simple, the most common are bites, claws, and blood spears.

After Tang Ao summoned the Fighting Sacred Bone Fate Soul, the blood servant's claws and bites Tang Ao could completely ignore, as long as he was careful to avoid the blood spear attack. The reason for avoiding blood spear attacks is that the blood spears gathered by the blood servants are very corrosive. Not only the fairy spiritual power shield, but even the soul of life will be corroded.

Therefore, facing the blood servant's blood spear, if you can't use spells to blast it away, you must avoid it. After Tang Ao's fighting saint bone life soul was stabbed by the blood spear, it was corroded to the size of a fist. However, after Tang Ao's spiritual power turned far, he quickly recovered. But Tang Ao dared not let these blood spears touch him again.

Tang Ao was surrounded by countless sword auras, invincible among the blood servants. On the other side, Huang Ke'er summoned another monster this time. Even with Tang Ao's eyesight, Tang Ao couldn't see what it was. This is a spirit body that emits blue light completely, with ancient mysterious armor and chains on its body.

Between raising his hands, blue lightning shot out angrily, killing most of the blood servants around him. And when the monster attacked the blood servant, it also released a huge blue spiritual power cover, which enveloped Huang Keer, as if the most loyal guard was guarding Huang Keer's side. When Tang Ao looked in that direction, Tang Ao suddenly saw that as soon as the blue spirit body lifted his hand, a blue lightning fell from the sky, and the blood servants in front of him were also bombarded into scum.

This blue spirit body is an ancient blue spirit, a very special existence. The ancient blue spirit controls very powerful spells, but he doesn't have much intelligence, only simple consciousness.

Tang Aoxun scanned the ancient blue spirit, and found that the ancient blue spirit was not Huang Keer's powerful monster beast at the ninth level of the star realm. Although this ancient blue spirit is also very powerful, it only has the cultivation base of the sixth level of the star realm.

Although the blood source array continuously called the blood servants, the blood servants in this area were trampled on by the dragon turtle before, and the remaining blood servants were quickly cleared by Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er.

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