Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2488: Weird egg

Only by reaching the fourth-level blood servant can it be guaranteed that every time a blood servant is killed, a low-grade blood spar will be harvested. But even low-grade blood spar is not easy to obtain. Most of the martial artists in the wild martial arts realm are in the stage of life and death and the star state, and the martial arts of the Yin and Yang realm are very rare. If only facing a four-level blood servant, any martial artist of the third-level star realm can deal with it.

But no matter what stage of the blood servants, they will not appear alone, no matter where they are, the blood servants are all in groups. "Brother Tang Ao, look quickly, there is another Level 4 Blood Servant there!" Huang Ke'er excitedly waved her little hand on the back of the flying horse. The reason why Huang Ke'er is so interested in Level 4 Blood Servant is because Huang Ke'er has a strange egg.

Tang Ao didn't know what demon beast gave birth to this egg. Even if Tang Ao used the celestial pupil pupil, he couldn't see exactly what demon beast was in the beast egg. But on this monster egg, there is a very terrifying coercion. Every time Huang Keer took out this monster egg, even the dragon turtle and the ice crystal phoenix had a look of jealousy in her eyes.

But this monster egg is not easy to serve, it needs to swallow and absorb all kinds of heavenly materials to grow. Previously, Tang Ao threw away the unnecessary spiritual materials in the storage ring like trash. I don’t know how much it was absorbed by the monster egg, but under the huge amount of fairy materials, this monster egg did not react much at all. .

Tang Ao estimated that with so many natural treasures, even the dragon eggs had hatched, but this egg didn't respond much. Although it hasn't hatched yet, the performance of this egg is amazing. When Huang Ke'er took out this monster egg, the monster egg would even kill the fourth-level blood servant by himself, and then absorb the essence from the blood spar.

At the same time, when Tang Ao was looking at the egg, this monster egg also flew around Tang Ao and circled Tang Ao. Perhaps it was because of the breath of Tang Ao's chaotic six-pointed mirror, this monster egg did not reject Tang Ao. According to Huang Ke'er, no one but Huang Ke'er could touch this monster egg before.

After feeling the breath of the fourth-level blood servant, the monster egg was also very excited to rub Tang Ao's arm. Although it could also kill the fourth-level blood servant, it was not as easy as Tang Ao. Moreover, after Tang Ao killed the fourth-level blood servant, he would also absorb the blood spar. In addition, Tang Ao had taken a large amount of treasures for it to absorb, and this monster egg became more intimate to Tang Ao.

Tang Ao was a little bit dumbfounded. Now this guy is still an egg and he is so defying the sky. If he hatched, he would still have it? With a thought, the Yuanshi Sacred Sky Bow instantly appeared in Tang Ao's hand, and Tang Ao's eyes condensed immediately, and the whole body was surging, slowly pulling the Yuanshi Sacred Sky Bow. The fourth-level blood servant in the distance was killing a group of warriors from the wild martial arts world, and many warriors were directly slapped to death by its claws.

Immediately, several blood claws protruded from its body, passing directly through the bodies of these warriors, and began to absorb the blood in these warriors. But at this moment, this fourth-level blood servant suddenly felt an unprecedented crisis. Immediately it raised its head and looked in the direction of Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er. After seeing the monster egg floating beside Tang Ao, the blood servant let out a sharp scream, as if he had found some food.

It was just that before the blood servant made any movements, a golden Xuantian arrow had cut through the space and left a string of golden afterimages in the air. The Xuantian arrow instantly pierced the fourth-level blood servant, and then suddenly exploded. With a single arrow, the fourth-level blood servant was killed by Tang Ao on the spot. At this moment, all the warriors who were fighting with the blood servants were shocked. Just now everyone saw the only fourth-level blood servant running towards Tang Ao and Huang Keer, and everyone thought that Tang Ao and Huang Keer were dead.

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