Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2492: The whole story

At the moment of the collision, Tang Ao immediately felt that He Shaohua’s fan contained three dark energy. The first dark energy was destroyed by the extinction finger and the second dark energy was at a stalemate with the aftermath of the extinction finger, but the third When Dao Anjin struck, Tang Ao's double-pointed fighting sacred bone fate soul unexpectedly shattered.

However, when the fighting sacred bone fate and soul shattered, it also offset the remaining power of the Shura fan. On the surface, He Shaohua had the highest point of this trick, but it was actually the reason why Tang Ao didn't use the fairy weapon. The Shura fan in He Shaohua's hand was a ninth-rank immortal artifact that was forged once by the gods. An immortal artifact of this level was already comparable to an acquired artifact.

Tang Ao directly fought with He Shaohua with Fating Soul, and suffered a great loss himself. With a thought in his heart, the Fighting Sacred Bone Fate Soul instantly recovered, and at the same time an axe appeared in Tang Ao's hand, it was the Demon Slashing Axe. Since he suffered a small loss in the power pair just now, Tang Ao also happened to compete with He Shaohua for power.

Originally, seeing that Tang Ao didn't take out the fairy weapon, He Shaohua still wondered whether to put the Shura fan away. It's just that immortal implements are part of the martial artist's abilities, plus He Shaohua has practiced the asura fan for many years, and 60% of the methods have to use the asura fan. After putting the Shura fan away, the battle was equally unfair to He Shaohua, and now after Tang Ao took out the Demon Slashing Axe, it was exactly what He Shaohua wanted.

After taking out the Demon Slashing Axe, Tang Ao felt helpless. Tang Ao could see that this Shura fan was in He Shaohua's hands, as if it had become a part of his body. Tang Ao's best weapon is the sword. But after Tang Ao gave the Scarlet Golden Sword to Shen Yunwei, Tang Ao now had no weapon that could compete with Shura Fan.

If Tang Ao directly sacrificed the Qingtian Divine Needle, he would obviously bully He Shaohua. As a last resort, Tang Ao could only take out the Demon Slashing Axe. As for the Yuanshi Holy Sky Bow, with Tang Ao's current strength, in such a battle, using Yuanshi Holy Sky Bow would not take much advantage, so Tang Ao had no idea of ​​using Yuanshi Holy Sky Bow.

The Shura fan in He Shaohua's hand suddenly shook, and once again cross-cut towards Tang Ao. This time Tang Ao didn't retreat but moved forward, and at the same time, the Demon Slashing Axe in his hand was also angrily smashing Huashan. Competing for power, the Demon Axe has never been afraid of anyone.

"Boom!" The moment Tang Ao's Demon Slashing Axe and He Shaohua's Shura Fan collided, spiritual power exploded, strong wind swept through, and a terrifying shock spread in all directions. The powerful shock wave centered on the two and raged around.

Immediately everyone saw that a figure was blown out. Everyone thought it was Tang Ao, but when they looked at it, everyone was shocked. He Shaohua cultivated Jinsha City's nine-fold fan since childhood. As an adult, he inherited the Golden Sands City treasure Shura fan. Nine-folded fan cultivates nine-fold dark power in total, and each of these nine-fold dark power is stronger than one. When the nine-fold dark power erupts at the same time, it can easily destroy mountains and shock the world.

Although everyone knows that He Shaohua did not use the nine-fold Shura fan in the previous match, but even so, when He Shaohua was fighting other warriors, he did not fully crush in strength. Many people saw it for the first time. To.

"Happy!" He Shaohua yelled in midair after steadying his figure. After leaving the customs this time, He Shaohua tried to find Purple Bone Wolf and Xiao Cang but did not find it, but today's battle with Tang Ao made He Shaohua very satisfied. Just when He Shaohua was about to continue to attack Tang Ao, He Shaohua was transmitted by Chen Yunyun.

"Big brother, when you were not here just now, we met a fourth-level blood servant. Gao Chen's three kept avoiding them, but when this senior brother killed the fourth-level blood servant, Gao Chen still had a few people around him. Coveted this senior brother’s fairy tool, so this senior brother shot Gao Chenzhen..."

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