Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2513: Star Crystal

After Wang Liang left, the second warrior immediately stood in front of him. After receiving the identity token, the warrior directly took out a fist-sized transparent spar and placed it in the second formation. When he saw this spar, Tang Ao was moved in his heart, but Tang Ao was just surprised, and didn't have any thoughts of taking it for himself.

This transparent spar is called the starry sky crystal, which is the top material for refining immortal storage. There is no specific grade for Star Crystal, but the more transparent the color, the better the grade. At this moment, the starry sky crystal that this warrior took out was mottled, obviously the worst starry sky crystal. But even so, the value of this starry sky crystal far exceeds that of Wang Liangyi's star meteorite.

After starting with the first two warriors, the speed of the following warriors immediately increased. Some warriors only took out one kind of material, while some warriors put all kinds of miscellaneous materials into the formation like cleaning a storage ring. Fortunately, the formation arranged by Tang Ao was a Fourth-Rank Immortal Formation, and naturally it would not record errors.

And now ranked first, it happens to be such a warrior. After this warrior collected all the fairy materials that he considered to be treasures in his storage ring, he threw all the other fairy materials into the formation. But no one thought that in this pile of materials, an inconspicuous golden stone the size of a fingernail would actually be Taiyi Immortal Gold.

If it weren't for this piece of Taiyi Immortal Gold to be too small, only a piece with a big fingernail, then there might be many warriors who would fight for it. Taiyi Immortal Gold can condense the second soul, but it needs a lot of it, at least a piece the size of a baby's fist. Although this piece of Taiyi Immortal Gold is precious, because it is too small, it is extremely valuable, but it has little effect.

At least in the eyes of ordinary people, it has little effect. But if Tang Ao could get this piece of Taiyi Immortal Gold, it would still be possible for Tang Ao to refine an immortal tool like an immortal needle. But Tang Ao didn't want this piece of Taiyi Immortal Gold. In Tang Ao's storage ring, although there was no fist-sized Taiyi Immortal Gold, Tang Ao still had a few pieces of such a large Taiyi Immortal Gold.

After all, Tang Ao had obtained the treasure of Dameng Dao Zun at the beginning. Among the warriors of the same realm, those who are richer than Tang Ao are really rare. There are only 3,000 places in the contribution list. Soon these three thousand places are full. If you want to be on the list again, you can only take out treasures that are more precious than the warriors on the list.

But at this time, there are many warriors who want to be on the list. Some warriors who did not have particularly good materials in their hands, or who had good materials but were unwilling to take them out, looked at the other three lists. At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, the dense blood servants outside the formation seemed to be no longer in terror, because these blood servants, blood races and even blood demon were the cornerstones of everyone's glory.

With the blessing of the formation, the Tiangang stele made by Tang Ao is guaranteed to be immortal for at least 100,000 years. When the names on the formation are swept away with soul, images of warriors will appear. Such a glory has made countless warriors heart-moved. The two words fame and fortune, fame comes first, and profit comes after. Under such circumstances, even a sensible warrior can't help but impulse once.

At this moment, many people even couldn't help but plan to rush out to fight with these blood tribe warriors. Tang Ao naturally knew everyone's thoughts. Seeing everyone's desire to try, Tang Ao smiled lightly, but didn't say that he could start hunting blood servants now. Seeing Tang Ao hesitating to speak and stop thinking, everyone was really impatient.

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