Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2515: Ling Xueyao's Secret

Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er's rankings soared unexpectedly, and they were unstoppable and directly reached the top 30, the top 20, and the speed began to slow down until they reached the top 20. But at the moment, who are the top 20 people on the list? Now ranked in the top fifteen are the Yin-Yang realm powerhouse who used to be the top ten in the Qianlong list and the Yin-yang realm powerhouse in the top five of the five outstanding people list.

These five people from 16 to 20 on the list are not Yin-Yang realm cultivation bases, but they are all at the pinnacle of the Star Realm, half-step Yin-Yang realm powerful existence. But now, no one knows what happened in the wild martial arts world, no one knows what Tang Ao and Huang Keer did, and they actually reached the 19th and 20th places on the list.

And the points of the two are still increasing, but at this time, the points of the martial artist ahead of the two are still terrifying, so it is very difficult for Tang Ao to rank further. Looking at her ranking in the 20th place, Huang Ke'er was happy and asked with some worry: "Brother Tang Ao, is it wrong for us to do this."

Hearing Huang Ke'er's question, Tang Ao immediately waved his sleeves and said, "Junior sister Ke'er, you must know that wisdom is also a kind of strength. You see, these guys who line up around us are half-step Yin and Yang. Or it is the Yin-Yang realm. At this time, it is impossible for us to compete with them. We must give full play to our wisdom and ability. This is a trial and test, not a duel on a duel stage."

Tang Ao said with awe-inspiring righteousness, Huang Ke'er on the side also nodded faintly. The warriors of the human race in Hundred Beast City fought fiercely and immediately shocked the blood race. At present, more blood warriors, more blood servants, and many blood demons also appeared around the city of beasts. But at this time, Tang Ao also knew the reason why the Hundred Beast City was able to stick to it this time.

Under Ling Xueyao's organization, there were nine first-grade immortal formation divisions on each side of the Beast City. The First-Rank Immortal Array Division can't play a very important role in this kind of battle, but if it only assists in presiding over the formation flag, the effect will be very huge. The guard formation of this Hundred Beast City was obviously arranged by Ling Xueyao with great effort, and at this moment, under the auspices of Ling Xueyao and a group of mages, it immediately became solid.

Seeing this, Tang Ao nodded secretly. Seeing Tang Ao, Ling Xueyao ran over happily. "Brother Tang Ao, thank you for helping us in the Hundred Beast City. Without you, everyone would not be able to work together like this." Tang Ao could feel that this Ling Xueyao is a very simple and kind girl, but it is a pity that the world of martial arts needs means and shrewdness.

Under such circumstances, it is already very difficult for Ling Xueyao to lead everyone to this point. "Junior Sister Ling is polite, this defensive formation is at the level of an infinite fourth-grade immortal formation, why don't Junior Sister Ling add some attack formations to enter?" Tang Ao smiled slightly and said casually.

If it was before, Tang Ao really thought it was a third-rank peak immortal formation, but now Tang Ao doesn't think so. Just now when Ling Xueyao ran towards him, Tang Ao accidentally turned the celestial pupil to take a look, and immediately found something wrong. This Ling Xueyao was obviously not as simple as Tang Ao thought.

Therefore, Tang Aocai was indifferent and asked casually, because just now, Tang Ao used the celestial pupil to see that there were actually two formations around the Hundred Beast City. The first is naturally the current third-rank peak immortal formation. But this is not a third-rank peak immortal formation at all, but a fifth-rank guard formation that has not been fully activated!

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