Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2517: Young Master Star

In the past few days, Huang Keer and Tang Ao are very comfortable. Huang Keer only summoned the ancient green spirits to provide some auxiliary treatment to many warriors, while Tang Ao refined the formation flag and pill in the city of beasts. medicine. However, the points of the two of them are growing rapidly all the time, and Tang Ao also feels that he is playing big.

There is nothing wrong with the increase in points, but there is something wrong with the increase in points all the time. After all, even those martial artists ranked ahead of Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er, whose points continue to increase for a period of time, would stop and take a break. After all, the martial artist's celestial spirit power and soul thought are limited, no matter what means is used, it is impossible to fight with high intensity for seven consecutive days and seven nights.

Wu Lian and others naturally discovered this problem, but a few people did not blame Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er. This trial competition was originally not the cultivation base. If the cultivation base decides everything, then every trial of heaven , All you need to do is to get a group of warriors from the third layer of Yin and Yang realm. In fact, in the Trial of Heaven, although the warriors of the Yin-Yang realm were able to enter the secret realm, the warriors of the Yin-Yang realm had not gained much over the years.

And in the heavenly secret realm, it's not that the higher the cultivation base, the stronger the survival rate. There are various factors in the heavenly secret realm. To some extent, the higher the cultivation level, the more difficult the assessment encountered. At this moment, Wu Lian, Hong Lao and others were just curious about what Tang Ao and Huang Keer did to make their points continue to increase.

On the tenth day, a group of warriors riding pegasus and wearing silver armor escorted a warrior with gorgeous clothes to escape from a distance. Seeing that the City of Beasts was actually as solid as a rock in the blood race, these warriors looked overjoyed and immediately shouted downwards: "Quickly open the shield, the city lord of Tianma city, the young lord of Tianxing come to help you and so on."

"Bah, this guy is so shameless. He obviously fled to this place, but he said he was here to help us." Although everyone had this idea at this moment, only Huang Keer said it. Huang Keer's voice is not loud, but everyone around can hear her clearly. Young Master Tianxing's group are all nine-layer martial artists in the Star Polar Realm, and everyone naturally heard what Huang Keer said.

"Looking for death!" At the moment, the knight warrior first spoke with a cold snort, and at the same time, he took a spear from behind, and shot Huang Keer angrily without hesitation, as if he was going to nail Huang Keer on the spot. of. Huang Ke'er lifted her small hand and was about to summon the Ice Crystal Phoenix. But before Huang Keer summoned the ice crystal phoenix, Tang Ao directly raised his hand and blasted it out, and immediately said calmly, "Get out."

After this warrior realized that his attack could actually pass through the formation, he immediately knew that the shield did not stop the human warrior, and immediately gave a wink to the people behind him, and everyone came directly into the formation. Seeing this scene, Tang Ao's eyes changed. Through observations these days, Tang Ao determined two things.

First, Ling Xueyao didn't know what to do, but Ling Xueyao really wanted to defend the City of Beasts. Second, Ling Xueyao did not have any malicious intent towards the other warriors, to herself and Huang Ke'er. Except for not explaining why this guard formation is a fifth-rank immortal formation and the Hundred Beast City hides a seventh-rank killing formation, Ling Xueyao did not hide anything else.

Everyone has his own secret, and it is not surprising that Ling Xueyao has his own secret. However, Tang Ao now wants to change the formation of the Beast City. The existence of the Beast City Array is to protect the warriors who protect the Beast City. It is not to let the young master of the Sky Star come to take refuge. of.

"Asshole thing, what did you just say? Who is the lord of Hundred Beast City, get out for Lao Tzu." This young man in golden costume looks elegant, but his body is extremely hostile. He obviously came to take refuge in Hundred Beast City. But as soon as he entered the Hundred Beast City, he immediately turned away from the guest.

"You leave, you are not welcome here." This time, Ling Xueyao was obviously on Tang Ao's side. During this period of time, Tang Ao was of great help to Hundred Beast City, and many warriors had received Tang Ao's favor. Although Tang Ao spent most of his time refining formation flags and refining pills, and rarely went out to kill the blood races and blood servants, no one would feel that Tang Ao did not contribute to the Hundred Beast City. On the contrary, Tang Ao did to Hundred Beasts. The contribution of the city is great!

"What kind of thing are you here, you can speak here too, it's okay to grow up, come to accompany Ben Shao tonight, so that you don't die. In addition, Yang Feng, cut off the tongues of these two people for me." Huang Tianxing looked at Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er counted in a hostile manner.

The one named Yang Feng was the first martial artist to deal with Huang Ke'er. This made the ninth level of the Star Realm cultivation base. Although Tang Ao fisted and he had been tired of spears just now, Yang Feng was a little surprised, but now that Huang Tianxing has spoken, So Tang Ao and Huang Keer are already two dead people. Yang Feng walked step by step, and the silver armor on his body was already flashing with endless lightning for a moment.

"Lei Xiu Martial Artist!" everyone in the Beast City said in amazement after seeing Yang Feng approaching Tang Ao and Huang Ke'er. Lei Xiu warriors can only practice with pure Lei Linggen. Normally, the combat power of Lei Xiu warriors is far superior to those of the same realm. Although there are ninth-level warriors in the Star Realm in the Hundred Beast City, no one dares to stand up for Tang Ao and Huang Keer at this moment.

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