Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2535: Star City Treasure

This time Huang Tianxing didn't say anything cruel, but just took a look at Tang Ao and left quickly. No one knew what he thought of. After seeing the power of Tang Aoyuanshi's holy bow twice, Huang Tianxing has decided to get this holy bow. He likes Yuanshi Shengtian bow so much, if someone provokes him in the future, just shoot it with one arrow!

Tang Ao almost killed Wei Chu on the first floor of the Yin-Yang realm with his cultivation base on the fourth floor of the Star Realm. As long as this Yuanshi Shengtian bow is obtained, after he cultivates to the Yin-Yang realm, who else would dare to be presumptuous in front of him in the entire Wild Martial Realm? He just wanted to get the Yuanshi Holy Sky Bow, but he still had to kill Tang Ao. This time Huang Tianxing was not in a hurry, he was ready to wait for his elder brother to come, wait for Yang Tiansheng to come, and then do something.

Huang Tianxing noticed that among Tang Ao's group, there was no yin-yang realm powerhouse. This time he just brought a Wei Chu over, and all of them were killing them. Next time whether it is his elder brother or Yang Tiansheng, Tang Ao will die! If it wasn't for Yang Tiansheng's face, Yang Feng blatantly fled this time, he would never let Yang Feng go.

In the Hundred Beast City, after Wei Chu and others left, everyone also began to resist the blood race and many blood servants who charged in. Tang Ao slowly put away the Yuanshi Holy Sky Bow. In order to ensure that he could kill Wei Chu, Tang Ao's attack directly consumed ninety-nine percent of his fairy power. But even so, Tang Ao still failed to kill Wei Chu.

The little clock that Wei Chu took out last was very powerful. Apart from Shennongding, this is the strongest defensive treasure Tang Ao has ever seen. If it weren't for the sharp arrow he just hit, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to wound Chu Wei.

"Brother Song, what treasure was the little bell just now?" Now Tang Ao consumes too much himself, so Tang Ao didn't participate in the battle. On the side, Song Qiufeng eased his anger, and the shattered arm had already been reshaped under the treasure of heaven and earth. It's just that his face is still a little pale at this moment, and Wei Chu's previous shot obviously didn't keep his hands at all.

"Wei Chu's **** is lucky. The little clock just now is a treasure of the Star City, called the Sky Star Child Clock. In the Star City, there is a top treasure that cannot be moved. Legend has it that it is an innate best artifact. Infinite Taoism exudes around the ancient clock all year round. If you practice around the ancient clock of Tianxing, you may be aware of some very powerful secrets."

Speaking of this, Song Qiufeng said with some envy: "Around the ancient clock of the Sky Star, you can still use the fairy power to condense the Taoism of the ancient clock and nurture the Sky Star child clock. It is a pity that the non-Sky Star City martial artist has never contacted the Sky Star Gu Zhong’s opportunity. The Heavenly Star Child Clock Wei Chu just now was obviously his life-saving magic weapon."

Although there are no wonders in the vast world, Tang Ao still did not expect that there should be such a magical treasure in this world. After hearing what Song Qiufeng said, Tang Ao wanted to condense a Tianxingzi Zhong to save his life. Only with the current relationship between Tang Ao and Sky Star City, Tang Ao went to Sky Star City not to condense Sky Star Child Zhong to save his life, but to die.

After seeing Ling Xueyao unconscious and the gap in the formation getting bigger and bigger, Tang Ao knew that at this moment, he had to reply quickly and preside over the formation. Otherwise, the formation will completely collapse after a while and the beast city will be over. Tang Ao first came to Ling Xueyao's side. At this moment, there were two young girls beside Ling Xueyao. After seeing Tang Ao coming, the two of them said anxiously: "Sister Xueyao doesn't know what's wrong, Brother Tang Ao, please help her."

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