Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2546: Sinister Gathering Stone

The three words Jushengshi are very common, but if these three words appear together, it is very terrifying. The conglomerate is formed by extracting a large amount of soul and vitality. The more soul and vitality of the creature, the higher the quality and the larger the volume of the conglomerate. Because the soul was drawn alive and finally merged into the gathering stone, these creatures who were drawn from the soul did not even have the chance to reincarnate.

The Jusheng Stone has only one function, which is to suppress the Taoism of Tao Guo with powerful resentment. Tang Ao's eyes condensed, and he noticed that there were three and a half tall gray spars around Frozen Dao Guo on the ice lake not far away. Just taking a look, there were countless resentful souls whistling and crying in Tang Ao's mind. If it weren't for Tang Ao's firm mind, he would have been lost at this moment.

Huang Ke'er beside Tang Ao was also panting with lingering fears. It was obvious that Huang Ke'er had also looked at the polystone just now! At this moment, there are countless resentful souls around the Gathering Stone, and the Dao Yun barrier formed around the Frost Ice Dao Fruit is constantly being corroded by the powerful resentments of these resentful souls. After the resentment of the Gathering Stone completely dissolves the Dao Yun barrier of the Frozen Dao Fruit , Anyone can get this Tao fruit.

Normally, although ordinary Tao fruit also contains powerful heaven and earth Taoism, the Taoism is not strong enough to condense the Taoism enchantment. Only the Frost Ice Tao Fruit, the top **** king Tao fruit between heaven and earth, Only then will such a Taoist enchantment be formed. There are only two ways to open the Dao-kun barrier, one is to use the same source of Taoism to continuously assimilate and absorb, and finally to open the Dao-kum barrier.

Another way is to use methods such as conglomerate stones. Of course, there is also a third method, which is to use brute force to break through the Dao Yun barrier, but the only ones who can break through the Dao Yun barrier with brute force are the strong in the realm of God King. When it comes to the realm of the **** king, naturally there is no need for Tao fruit. Therefore, naturally no one cares about the third method.

When Tang Ao looked at this Frozen Dao Fruit, Tang Ao received Wen Qingyu's voice transmission. "I don't care who you are, when the Dao Yun barrier of the Frost Ice Dao Fruit is transformed by the Gathering Stone, you have to take the first shot to **** the Frozen Dao Fruit. I will try my best to hold Huo Chongjiu, if you don't do it. , Then after Huo Chongjiu gets the Ice Dao Fruit, I will kill you as soon as possible."

Tang Ao has seen many beautiful women, but there are not many who can match Wen Qingyu in appearance. Before hearing the dialogue between Wen Qingyu and Huo Chongjiu, Tang Ao also felt that Wen Qingyu was a very upright woman, because Huo Chongjiu killed innocent people, so Wen Qingyu shot Huo Chongjiu.

But what Wen Qingyu said just now made Tang Ao's heart cold. As long as Tang Ao didn't make a move to **** the Ice Dao Fruit, once the Ice Dao Fruit fell into Huo Chongjiu's hands, Wen Qingyu would kill herself as soon as possible. Isn't it ignoring life and killing innocent people indiscriminately?

However, Tang Ao didn't dare to care about Wen Qingyu's words, because when Tang Ao and Huang Keer came to this place, this space had been sealed off by Wen Qingyu and Huo Chongjiu. Obviously both of them were worried that Tang Ao had a top-notch space escape talisman. When the two met, Tang Ao grabbed Frost Ice Dao Fruit and escaped.

In fact, Wen Qingyu was not as unbearable as Tang Ao imagined. Since Wen Qingyu practiced, it was not that she hadn't killed anyone, but Wen Qingyu killed no one who shouldn't be killed. Wen Qingyu would rather destroy this god-king Taoist fruit this time, rather than being obtained by the hypocrite Huo Chongjiu. On the surface, Wen Qingyu and Huo Chongjiu did not have any intersection, but Wen Qingyu and Huo Chongjiu had a hatred of life and death.

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