Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2558: All insects bite the heart

In just a moment, Tang Ao's expression changed drastically. In an instant, a Jin Lei Dao Yun had flowed into Tang Ao through the palms of the two of them. At this moment, Tang Ao felt like 10,000 insects gnawing at his heart, as if his bones were constantly being broken, and his meridians were constantly being burned by flames.

"It's amazing!" Tang Ao took a deep breath and whispered in his mouth. I just introduced a trace of Jin Lei Dao Yun into my body, and it was so painful. One can imagine how painful Wen Qingyu is at this moment. It was not the first time that Tang Ao came into contact with the chaotic world realm powerhouse, but as Tang Ao's understanding of the chaotic sky realm powerhouse deepened, Tang Ao felt more and more terrifying the chaotic sky realm powerhouse.

When this trace of golden thunder rhyme raged in Tang Ao's body, Tang Ao's Jiulong Emperor jade body suddenly released a sacred and distant, as if the soft white light from Henggu. This white light kept converging in Tang Ao's body, and gradually, a white flame was formed above Tang Ao's Dantian Consciousness Sea. This flame is like the fire of Tang Ao's life.

After Jin Lei Daoyun felt the fluctuation of the flame, he whizzed and swallowed the flame. Unprepared by Tang Ao, the flame was suddenly bitten by Jin Lei Daoyun. Tang Ao just took a bite, but his face was pale, and a **** arrow spurted out. Tang Ao didn't dare to be careless and immediately stabilized his mind.

Tang Ao knew that this white flame was not the fire of life, but the fire of the Jiulong Emperor's jade body. But now, Tang Ao's base is too low, and his comprehension of the rules of heaven and earth, Tao Yun, is far inferior to Huo Chongjiu. That's why Huo Chongjiu's Jin Lei Daoyun succeeded in a sneak attack. At this moment, when Tang Ao stabilized his mind and began to control the flame with all his strength, Jin Lei Daoyun did not continue to attack like this flame, but circled around.

When Tang Ao's mind sank completely into this flame, Tang Ao saw one picture after another. Many of the monsters and fairy grass in these pictures have been extinct for many years, and Tang Ao didn't know any of the characters on the pictures. But Tang Ao could clearly feel that one of these people on the screen came out at random. People like Huo Chongjiu were also ants in front of them.

These people seemed to have a conversation, but Tang Ao couldn't hear a word. Although Tang Ao didn't know any of these people, Tang Ao saw something familiar. Tang Ao saw the chaotic six-pointed mirror. At this moment, the chaotic six-pointed mirror was hung on a man with extraordinary aura. This man had a strong aura, and he stood there as if he were dominating all his life.

The rhyme of his whole body is even more thrilling, as if raising his hands and feet can make the world collapse and the mountains and rivers fall back. In addition to the chaotic six-pointed mirror, Tang Ao also saw the Yuanshi Holy Sky Bow, the Taiqing Profound Realm, the Qingtian Divine Needle, and there were many treasures that Tang Ao hadn't seen but could barely guess.

These treasures are not 9th-rank immortal artifacts, or innate or acquired artifacts. It is not difficult to imagine that those who appear in this picture must be the strong among the strong. At this moment, a wisp of white candlelight appeared in this space. After feeling the wisp of candlelight, a dark complexion and blue-eyed strong man slapped him mercilessly, as if he was about to kill Tang Ao. kill.

When he was in a hurry, the man wearing the chaotic six-pointed mirror waved his sleeves, and the suffocating feeling on Tang Ao's body immediately disappeared. At this moment, a ray of golden Dao Yun appeared in this space, and the man in the silver mysterious clothes swept away, Huo Chongjiu's golden thunder Dao Yun instantly collapsed.

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