Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2577: Congenital material, starry sky jade

Song Qiufeng took the storage ring that Tang Ao handed over without checking it, and put it away. This scene made Tang Ao a little surprised, because when Tang Ao handed the Scarlet Golden Immortal artifact to Song Qiufeng for the first time, Song Qiufeng didn't check it and put it away. This trust, whether true or false, can make people feel grateful. Even though this was a businessman's method, Tang Ao could only say that this method was really clever.

"Brother Tang Ao, I'm leaving, and I'll give you the things inside." Song Qiufeng handed a storage bag to Tang Ao. Of course, this kind of storage bag is not an ordinary storage bag. Although it was the first time he saw it, Tang Ao still recognized that this was the starry sky storage bag he had seen on Yun Xiaoyao's refining master program.

The so-called starry sky storage bag, in addition to the huge internal space, the most distinctive point is that the warrior can even be in this kind of starry sky storage bag. This starry sky storage bag was like a kit bag shining with stars. Tang Aohunnian explored it and found that there was a lake in the storage bag and a courtyard next to the lake.

There is a lake pavilion on the lake, and three things are placed on the table of the lake pavilion. A token made of unknown material. This token made Tang Ao very curious. Tang Ao is now a third-tier immortal craftsman, but even Tang Ao can’t recognize what material the token is made of. from.

The three characters Qianshang Building are written on the token, which seems to be a token of Qianshang Building. In addition to the tokens, there are two storage rings. One of the storage rings contains 300 parts of materials for refining red gold immortal utensils. The other storage ring contains not red gold sand, but more Chi Jinsha is more precious.

Many refiners may not know what this kind of material is, but Tang Ao knows that this is a starry sky Daoyu! Moreover, this piece of starry sky Daoyu is five feet square, such a thing, even for Tang Ao's wealth, is a treasure among treasures. Tang Ao didn't know why Song Qiufeng gave himself this gift.

"Brother Song, what does this mean?" Chi Jinsha and that token are dispensable to Tang Ao. Because now Tang Ao still has three hundred Red Golden Sands in his body, as for that token, Tang Ao himself is a warrior of the Immortal Ruins Chamber of Commerce, and it seems that there is no need to join other chambers of commerce. But such a piece of starry sky Dao Jade really made Tang Ao very excited.

"I want to tell you two things, listen to me, and then consider whether to accept this thing. The first thing, although the entire Zhenwu Realm is vast, there are only three places where the Zhenwu Realm is truly prosperous and prosperous. Sixteen martial arts circles. These 36 martial arts circles have countless commercial buildings, large and small, but among them, four commercial buildings are the largest. The most important thing is resources, and these four commercial buildings are the most powerful. Strong, naturally controls the scariest resources."

Song Qiufeng's words really made Tang Ao very curious. Tang Ao knew that the Fairy Ruins Chamber of Commerce was operating across several martial arts circles. But this was the first time that Tang Ao had heard of these so-called four major commercial buildings.

Seeing Tang Ao curious, Song Qiufeng continued to say: "The first-ranked commercial building is the Black Chamber of Commerce in the Tianwu Realm. The Black Chamber of Commerce has the support of the Tianwu Dao Zun, and its foundation is naturally the No. The Heavenly Martial Realm. The strength is terrifying, and if the Black Chamber of Commerce is willing, it can even control the rise and fall of some weak Martial Realms."

Tang Ao knew that Song Qiufeng was not sensational. Song Qiufeng was right. The most important thing in cultivation is cultivation resources. If there are endless cultivation resources, even if the qualifications are mediocre, at least the cultivation base can be accumulated to a certain extent with massive cultivation resources.

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